3 Steps To Develop Great Wealth Value Proposition with Brandon Green

In today's fast-paced world, it's essential to understand how your skill set matches with what the market is willing to pay. Many people get caught up in debates about how certain professions should be valued more than others. While those conversations are crucial, there's a reality to how value is structured in society today. The key is to accept that reality and understand how the world currently values your personal brand.
Steps to Elevate Your Market Value:
- Realize the current value of your skill set.
- Reflect on how you present your personal brand to the world.
- Consider bringing in coaches and mentors to help elevate your value proposition.
Why Coaching and Mentorship Matter
Bringing coaches and mentors into your life can provide insights into enhancing your brand, thus increasing your market value. As Brandon Green suggests, it's about creating a value proposition that encourages others to pay you more for your skills and expertise.
Background and Passion
Brandon Green shares his incredible journey, starting from a small mining town in Wyoming to touring the world with a musical organization, and eventually finding his niche in real estate in Washington, D.C.
Highlights of Brandon's Journey:
- Grew up in a conservative Mormon household in Rock Springs, Wyoming.
- Witnessed the impact of higher education on socio-economic mobility through his father's pursuit of a doctorate degree.
- Decided not to attend college initially, opting instead for real-world experiences.
- Built a successful career in real estate from scratch in Washington D.C.
Wealth Framework
Brandon delves into his philosophy regarding wealth creation and management. He emphasizes that before achieving financial freedom, there are essential frameworks and mindsets one must adopt.
Three Key Skill Sets for Wealth Building:
- Generating Income: Developing the skill set to earn through part-time jobs, networking, and showcasing your abilities.
- Saving Money: Cultivating the discipline to create a financial buffer by spending less than you earn.
- Investing Wisely: Allocating savings into assets that grow value over time.
Current Conversations Around College Education
Brandon highlights a pressing issue in today's society: college education. He points out the need for a calculated decision when considering college, emphasizing considering the return on investment (ROI) when choosing education paths.
Questions to Consider:
- What is the financial return associated with your intended career path?
- Do you possess skills that can lead to success in college or through alternate paths?
- Are you willing to cultivate a personal network if you forgo the college setting?
Brandon encourages building a personal network, whether through college or other avenues, to ensure long-term relationships that can support career advancement.
Full Transcript
What is your skill set and how does that match with what the market is willing to pay for today? Right, I think we get a caught up we get caught a lot of these like debates on You know gosh a teacher should be worth more than a whatever right and and anyways I agree with that But there is a reality of how value is structured in today's society and Can you accept that reality and match it with your skill set and understand based on how you're currently presenting your personal brand to the world? The world is valuing you at a certain rate right and And not that you can change or not that you shouldn't change it because I believe you really can But getting kind of clear on that is really important that I would recommend if you want to just take another step further Bring in some coaches it coaches into your life and some mentors to say hey How can I elevate my value proposition my brand to the world so that people are willing to pay me more money? Brandon green my friend it is good to have you on here. I'm excited for this conversation Thank you for being on the better world show Hey, love. Thank you for having me. I am very pleased to be here as well I am a loyal follower of your content and love the contribution you make to the world. So it's it's fun Your your your website is is very well laid out and you've accomplished a ton and so it was funny when we when we got on before recording I'm like what do you want to talk about we could talk about college? We could talk about wealth we could talk about branding we could talk about about living intentionally and how you're doing doing that today Before we jump into all those fun and exciting topics why don't you give our audience a little bit of backstory and who you are Why you're so passionate about what you're doing and just give us a little bit of context on or you're on the show Yeah, sure so I was born in a small mining town in Wyoming called Rock Springs grew up in a very conservative Mormon household and I watched as my parents really struggled with money My father decided that he wanted to pursue higher education and he ended up going on to get his doctorate degree and in Iowa which the family eventually moved there and I and I was able to see how he through education was able to change The social economic trajectory of our life, which I thought was really interesting because he came from a very very poor background with multiple brothers and sisters barely any indoor plumbing and And so I had an experience early on of going from a fairly middle-class background with my father as a principal of a school in Rock Springs, Wyoming and then we moved to Ames, Iowa where he pursued his doctorate and we moved into a small trailer in a really kind of rundown trailer court And so early on I was like present to this question of what does it mean to be poor, wealthy, middle-class, have money, not have money and And that really started to inform a lot of things as I grew so fast forwarding a few years So eventually I ended up graduating from high school and deciding not to go to college. It was less of a like strategic choice like I'm not going to college and more of a This doesn't feel like a fit for me So can I punt it to the future and maybe someday I'll go which led me to touring the world with a musical organization that's a whole other side conversation and then eventually landing in Washington DC and getting into the real estate business As a real estate agent I had no no money no prospects no college degree and yet I felt like I had Good people skills and an interest in real estate and I thought well, let me try to make a go of it And so I started my career door knocking Capitol Hill in Washington DC to build a real estate practice and Yeah, so I did that for 20 years fast forward to today By the way if you're not watching this on YouTube you don't look like you're 35 by the way So you age incredibly well. Oh, thank you. Thank you. It's all about face cream and good light So yeah, so today, you know just fast forwarding we can get into different parts of the journey I consider myself a serial entrepreneur which is is something a very proud of and an investor and I'm Excited about how through my company the alchemy of money were able to bring Opportunities to people who don't traditionally have them and we're doing all kinds of exciting projects as a result So still in the real estate space, but also doing a lot of other things that touch hospitality and technology as well Man, I appreciate the overview. I want to talk about the philosophy the framework of wealth because I think you and I both agree that There's a lot of shiny object syndrome in our space and it's like I don't want to beat up Robert Kiyosaki I love his work But he's like he almost makes it sound like you go buy a house. You'll be financially free and and it's like there's there's some steps that Need to go in between the mindset and the taking action and being financially free. I also want to talk about just the real estate in right now What what your thoughts are and then I'm excited also talk about some opportunities that Your community brings to the person that might not have the super connections in the space But before that I want to talk about college and we talked a little bit about this before starting to record You you didn't go to college and how many years ago? Is that like 20 years ago when you decided not to go right? Yes, was that was that pretty like taboo for for your family? It was and now you know as I mentioned just a moment ago My father decided to pursue a doctorate in philosophy. He was a principal and then a superintendent and and for him education was the path out For and so big believer In the power of education to their credit my parents credit though I think they saw early on in high school as I started to have these various entrepreneurial ventures going on mowing lawns raising money selling chocolate Santa Claus as an Easter I think they probably recognized that was more of an entrepreneur So they didn't put an enormous amount of pressure on me to go to college It was more of a like one eyebrow like what did you not go into college thing And and so that helped I think and given me some freedom to not just go down the proven traditional path But to take a detour to this you know world tour which gave me time to think a little bit and get to know myself better And ultimately end up not going to college. Yeah, I think it's and I would love to talk I would just quickly about the pros and cons because there's a lot of people in our community. They're starting to think differently Yes, and and early on it's like this is what you're gonna do even I mean I was homeschooled man. Oldest of six kids We thought outside the box, but college was very much of like you're gonna go and we're gonna I mean I graduated in three years. Let's live that home It was a total of 21,000 dollars that we spent so it was like we Credit to my parents like thought outside the box. We checked the box, but it was like there was no going around that box And so but then as I reflect and as I just look at the world and look at you know where corporate America is right now I'm starting to see a shift and it really comes down to the opportunity cost of not just money But you're three to four to five years that you're spending Potentially not furthering your relationship capital depending on what choices you make And so it's just an interesting Conversation I've had people on both sides of the aisle that are very passionate about their belief What would you say to the parent or what would you say to the 18 or 19 year old kid who has this drive wants to do something doesn't want to regret a decision And is like could easily go through college and crush it But it's like is feeling a little bit uneasy like what what questions or what framework can you give them and how to have a Conversation well, I had a fascinating conversation the other day with a good friend of mine who we were on the way to To the airport together on a business trip She runs a very successful organization and she has kids that are entering that college age And she said I don't know what to do Brandon because on one hand as a mom I'm like they're going to college and they're going to go to a great university and we're going to spend a ton of money on that On the other hand, she said as an executive I don't care where anybody went to college or even if they did when I hire someone I'm looking to see what their track record or performances what their attitude is what their personality and personal skills are So she said I'm living this nightmare We're in my business. I don't care what college you went to but as a parent I'm like you need to go to a brand name university and I think that tees up beautifully The conundrum facing our society right now and it's because College and universities have a brand issue where people are now seeing that the return on investment Is it necessarily matching like they expect it would be so to your question of what would you do I think something that is important to evaluate for for teenagers or young people thinking about college Is to the best of their ability can they a map can they reconcile the type of career trajectory and the financial Opportunities associated with it with the cost of that for your degree for example if you're going to get a liberal arts degree and and you want to go into teaching and education and an honorable role in them The best you're going to be able to do is make 60 to $100,000 then why the hacker you spending $60,000 a year at a high institution you're going to be buried in debt So I wish and I would want there to be an ROI conversation happening. Thank you And not the sort of the This or that I think we take a very nuanced issue and say yay for college or no for no no It should be more of an evaluation of based on the person skill set abilities desire and ROI for what they think they most likely would achieve financially Make a strategic choice. So I mean that's one school of thought. I think you know If I were if I had an 18 year old 17 16 year old that would be the conversation. I would be having right now Yeah, and the only thing that I would maybe tweak with that and it helps with the conversation is saying there's other things that we can value other than money That's right, but you're totally true if you love art Like you don't have to go to a four year college to do art You know, it's just one of those things where it's now I think it's starting to we can start having conversations and and get really clear and what people want And I love the ROI calculator if that is not a thing already um if if one of our listeners or if you want to partner with me, let's let's go and make College ROI Conversation calculator because I think it will just really help someone Get really clear on on what they want to do Yes, let me make one of the comment on this is I can now see in hindsight what I missed as a result I'm not going to college that if somebody's thinking about that they should be very aware of this Besides education the most powerful thing in going to college is the network Yes, and the relationships and so if you choose not to do that Yes traditionally through a four year institution You're gonna have to recreate it another way And so I can see when I begin my career. I started three or four steps backwards Not because I thought my writing skills were less or mad or whatever Maybe they were I don't know But I didn't have the relationships or the networks of my college buddies To lean on to succeed into network and advance and I've had to create that myself Purposefully over the last 20 years So think about that is are you a natural networker? Then you'll probably figure it out if you're not a natural networker You may need to go into the structure of an institution to force you to develop those relationships So that you can then have them when you're 30 40 or 50 and your buddies now the secretary of state somewhere right So that's the other thought I think of relationships. The last thought I'll have This is fun. We weren't even gonna talk about this. Yeah, I love these conversations is I have friends that aren't going to college But they're not doing anything with their life So it's like a kind of college if it's it's pushes you to actually do something that's outside Staying in your parents basement playing video games like you could say oh college is worth it Well, it would be because it would take you out of that environment So overall everyone's in a different situation. Yeah Yes. Yes Anyway, let's talk about wealth frameworks. Yes. I'm a big fan of just asking people that I respect What well how do you think about money? How do you think about money from a standpoint of your time your potential Your the decisions you make from start to finish So I'm just gonna let you riff a little bit and we can have a conversation about frameworks and money So for the first several years of my career I Was really good at making money and yet I was always behind right I ended up getting in debt with the IRS Two-time horrible really miserable process and always just felt like wow I'm making a lot of what appears to be great money But I always didn't feel like I had enough and what I realized later in hindsight was That there's actually in developing great wealth three distinctly different but connected skill sets that you have to procure somewhere along the way first as you do have to get the skill set of actually making money right the like you have to have gross revenue Either either through your job or through your business, but somehow you have to figure out How do I match my skills time resources and abilities to generate this thing called cash Right, and that's a skill set. That's a that's a networking skill set It's a it's an articulation skill set. It's a sales skill set. It's putting together a resume skill set All that is a skill set, but it's it's in one bucket called making money If you do that and that is definitely step number one and by the way Mindset is a big part of that because if you don't feel like you've got the personal confidence To convey your value to the world. It'll be difficult for people to pay you for that value. So mindset certainly in there Then next you need to go to saving money right at the discipline around creating a delta between what you make and how much you spend on your lifestyle that right there Is its own set of skill sets and can be a life journey for people and you hear the interesting stories of People that you know the janitor that may never never made more than $40,000 a year but retired with millions of dollars Well, it's because And this is in I think the psychology of money book by Morgan House. Oh, I think it's in that it's because by the way love that the city right there It's because he created a big delta between what he was spending and what he was making right If he hadn't done that and never would have worked which leads to the third skill set which is investing You do have to develop the skill set around investing to multiply your money By using time and money to multiply money first, which is where almost everybody starts unless you have a trust fund And then eventually you can use money to multiply money But most people need to figure out how to use time and money to multiply their money use their personal energy time commitment skills networks etc to To amplify what they're actually investing in to give it a good kicker versus Putting it in a traditional Stocks bonds mutual funds with your financial planner where you're going to get a conservative 8% return very hard to get wealthy With that as your only investment strategy You've got to figure out how do you deploy your time and money to make more money and that's then the third bucket So what I discovered over time was oh these are three different skill sets and you can see it with people Some are good at one and not the other two or some are good at like some are good at saving But they hardly make anything and they don't know how to invest right or some are great at investing But they make a bunch of money and then they lose it and then they make it like and then you know So if I'm listening to this right now I would be doing a personal assessment to say Between making saving and investing how would I rate myself on a scale of one to ten And that would give me some clarity on where I might need to go next in order to shore up this big circle here We call wealth building I love that each category it's interesting because our framework is I draw a human being you got to know thyself and ultimately you as your greatest asset Are responsible for a lot like you can you can get out of a lot of holes by just making more money And I think if you look at America in general majority of America has you know a making money problem A lot of our friends have a keeping money problem They make a lot of money, but it's like where did it go And then it seems like investing is one of those things where it's just hard to master So I'll take my parents for example, they're frugal But they probably would rate themselves lower on a scale of investing because they're they're doing fine But they're not really like into it looking for alternative Assets and all that they they just are good savers And and so I've just like I didn't grow up in a home where we were like always looking for investment deals When we talk about each category when when we talk about generating or making money Any books that you recommend any questions that are good I know you talked a little bit about confidence What what is like a secret hack that you have to help someone really get Clear about where they're at number one and number two how they can maximize this area Yeah, so I I think the assessment of where Your at is an honest to look at What is your skill set and how does that match with what the market is willing to pay for today Right I think we get a caught we get caught a lot of these like debates on You know gosh a teacher should be worth more than a whatever right and and and anyways I agree with that But there is a reality of how Value is structured in today's society and Can you accept that reality and match it with your skill set and understand based on how you're currently presenting your personal brand to the world The the world is valuing you at a certain rate right and And not that you can change or not that you shouldn't change it because I believe you really can But getting kind of clear on that is really important that I would recommend if you wanted to take another step further Bring in some coachy it coaches into your life and some mentors to say hey How can I elevate my value proposition my brand to the world so that people are willing to pay me more money I'll give you a really interesting example just yesterday I engaged a new attorney for a deal that I'm working on 780 dollars an hour Which is one of the highest bill rates I've seen for an attorney Right and I was like I didn't even hesitate right of shy to agreement because A who referred him to me and my brief interaction and the value he provided to me on this deal I was like It's worth the 780 dollars an hour every other attorney. I'm dealing with this between 250 and 500 dollars an hour What makes him worth 750 dollars an hour more take that same example and parallel it back down to where you are and say What am I currently getting and how do I and and incentivize or in a handset now that's from a very personal standpoint for entrepreneurs It's a lot more about all right How do I either maximize the margin in every customer transaction I have today And that's a lot about efficiencies expense management personnel and or how do I grow the business because in many businesses The further you scale you you can flatten your expense margin and increase your proper march I mean, that's very nuanced conversation depending on the businesses But that that's where I'd be looking right is if I wanted to maximize my skill set my business opportunities to make more money Any books that you recommend on the subject? Oh the books So one of my favorite books in real stakes real stake guy right is the the millionaire real estate agent by Gary Keller So anybody who's in real estate or anybody who's in small service businesses The principles in that book are are are timeless And how to run a really good and profitable small business service business enterprise. It's an excellent book Yeah, I I just want to like take it back off of what you're saying 100% agree on the value proposition Sometimes it it can be tricky because people you can feel like you bring a lot of value everyone's valuable By the way, I don't know if someone needs to hear that but at the end of the day when it comes to the market Everyone values a little bit different So if we want to maximize our our wealth we first of all need to look at ourselves and then we have to look at You know our time Other things that we can generate like in business and just ask a question Is this creating value for other people because if it is money will follow I think Elon Musk had a tweet the other day about you know money following value and it's just it's just interesting and and it's definitely something Very good to think about Yeah, just one of the comment on that because I can still feel a little like 30,000 feet I would say the people that make the most money are really really really good at a very narrow set of things Right and that takes time So Choosing early on like what am I going to be really really good at can create an enormous amount of value Higher than your colleagues this got this attorney a good example right he only does certain kind of equity and real estate deals It's all he does from a legal field he's the guy for that didn't happen overnight But now 20 years later or whatever he's a $780 an hour. Are you a fan of the pulling hell thinking grouch Think and grow rich is a great book. I it's a it was probably the first foundational book. I read Where I said oh how I think about myself and the world Play some sort of role in my ability to generate external things And then I went down a you know multi-year rabbit hole around what's that all about yeah, so yeah, that's an excellent book Yeah, it's he breaks down the difference between general knowledge and specialize knowledge And I think it's again another it's just an interesting goes a little bit deeper on on that and it can be a powerful mind exercise Let's talk about saving money I love that you talk about this by the way because a lot of people say make money invest money And you talk about and you use a word delta Yeah The the difference between saving and consuming why don't you break that down? And is there any good resources questions or something that you did in your life that that helped you increase that delta of savings So the best thing I did in my life in creating some space between what I was making and what I was spending on my lifestyle Was I got on the same page with my husband about money So You know my personal journey was he you know we've been together for 15 years now And he has a very different mindset around money and I think most couples have this thing going on right And for a long time I thought that But then I was like wait a minute we're on the same team How do we get on the same page about money spending? I like experiences. He likes things Right and if you're doing experiences and things it's a very difficult To sort of manage that so we actually went to therapy for a year just on this issue like how do we get on the same page It was singularly the most important thing That we did that I did that he did to create That difference because then everything else flowed from it Then we started to have the conversation around all right We have a lifestyle that we like how do we how do we secure that how much does that lifestyle actually cost and Right, we love to go on great trips. We love to fly business or first class like we there are things We like nice things, but we had to sort of come to an agreement on what were the parameters right of those nice things Because it's an insatiable desire to have more and more and more and more nice things So we had to say let's lock and load in this box, which is a great box by the way be happy with that And then allow everything else above that to go into the future So you know, that's that's my one thing I would say if you're in a relationship is getting on the same page Yeah, and I so I love that because if you can't if you can't be on the same page That's that's why the divorce rate is so high in this country and it's just it can be almost impossible And it can be very suffocating. Is there any practical things that you did from a standpoint of like all right You guys got on the same page who won like did you just now better communicate from a standpoint of experiences and and things Because a lot of times what happens with with the couples and with what I see is ones of spender ones not And you have this like negative Energy that goes on and someone is it there's just it's just not helpful So how does that person or that couple have that conversation and is there anything practical or any books So you'd recommend in this category that would help you from a standpoint of like okay, we're on the same page This is practically how we're going to save more Well, I don't know that I have any books on this but I'll tell you what we practically did is we developed a personal profit and loss statement for the household So we all have it in business, right? But we put we we said our part let's treat our personal life like a business Not that not in the way that you know the personal life is generating profit per se But let's have all of our income and all of our personal expenses clarified documented categorized and a report produced Every month so that we can look at it together as a couple and go through it and be like oh, I didn't I didn't know I was spending that on that or you I didn't know you were spending that on that or Or you know, I thought we canceled that subscription. Let's get that canceled. So it was It sounds a little bit dry, but it was like data transparency. I'm telling you our marriage I'm telling you guys if you track your money you control it Yes, a lot of times a lot of times you don't have to come up with super fancy systems if you're just aware We in in our company In our company we have a daily huddle and we tell each other what we're gonna do and we actually don't have a way to keep people accountable But just the ability to verbalize each day where you're at Keeps you accountable because you have to go before someone and the same thing goes with your money is if all you do is if there's just a system to To have a conversation about what's going on that solves so many issues and and so I would just encourage everybody whether you're single or whether you're in a relationship Do have a system where you're tracking your money because you will be way more aware of that Open a quick looks file and create a profit and loss statement for your personal income and expenses and you will You will quickly see How much money you're actually spending on Starbucks and those four subscriptions to this that together that you thought you canceled two years ago There's still active or in my case I'm going to I was this was this is a funny story on this I'm we're going through the reports and then our little you know couple meeting And I saw our grocery bill like it's really high and like this is weird because we don't cook and we order out all the time Why is the grocery bill so high? So I get into the details and I realized that I had given instructions to my cleaning lady Who does a lot of our grocery shopping to always have fresh blueberries in the house so I could have my protein shakes Well, what I was not present to Was a how many blueberries I was consuming and be how expensive fresh blueberries were The obvious that I'm like I'm spending like $80 a week on blueberries Oh, man, and then like freezing them So the most expensive possible protein shake in the world, but my so my self-correcting mechanism kicked in as like a That's too many blueberries be that's too much money to speak spending on Yeah, I'm telling you yeah, everybody has their blueberry Right, and so what is it and and I and I think having that profit of law statement will will show it to you And your self-correcting mechanism will go wait a minute That's too much and then you'll start to create that delta I talked about I love it Everybody has those blueberries. I love it. Let's talk about investing and I want this to also I want you to be able to talk about what you guys are doing Because they're too too full number one just framework too investing And I'll open this up by saying I talked to so many people that have no clue why they're doing what they're doing Right just straight up. I'll ask someone Why do you have a 401k and they literally will say my CPA told me I should have a 401k right so I'm not saying it's a good or bad I'm just saying very few people can translate or communicate or articulate Why they have certain assets and I think that's a huge problem So that number one I want you to talk about the framework number two I want you to talk about what you guys are up to because I think you guys have are putting together community and network that a lot of my audience would be very interested in learning about right Great, great. So my thesis on investing is that you can have three pillars I'm probably shouldn't have any more than that for most people unless they're investors full time right But for most people who have other things going on it's three pillars pillar one are your traditional Vehicles that your father told you about or your CPA and sister on 401k's IRA's they are good vehicles. They do Help on a tax front, you know, they're you're not going to get wow I popping returns, but there's some good reason to put a little bit of money depending on your age And what your access to other stuff is into those vehicles everybody has access to them And they're set up for reason. So I think pillar one is Take a look at let's say you had a hundred dollars. How much of that hundred dollars are you going to put into a traditional vehicle? You know, not to be construed as investment advice, but what I would say is That percentage would depend on two things one your age and two the access you have to other stuff Yeah, right it might be more interesting from a return perspective pillar one pillar two Choosing one investment area that you are going to develop specialized expertise in So that might be real estate. That's what I chose right Then you have to go as a residential or commercial like what are you going to be great great great at where you're obsessed over How to make that investment area work? I think one mistake people make big mistake is They invest in a bunch of stuff. They don't really actually understand in hopes that they're going to get rich quick Right and that rarely works if ever and instead I'd say develop an expertise in a vertical And it make it a lifelong commitment. I'm going to be really really good at X And that be pillar two the better you get at it The more of your overall investment allocation you're going to want to put in it because it's your thing Because you're now leveraging your money, but you're also leveraging and amplifying the investment because of your time and expertise And your unique perspective in that vertical Can I ask what type of verticals like are we talking like real estate? It could be real estate commercial or residential if it's commercial it could be as segmented as like warehouse industrial or office or Commercial hospitality Multifamily right what what do you store units right you get really really good at one vertical within commercial or commercial itself with a couple little nuances Can be you know resident if we go residential that could be single family homes or it could be You know duplexes or triplexes like what is your thing? Yeah, it can also be focused geographically like I know the market in Maryland Washington DC like I know that market really really really well You know team me up an investment in California. It's going to be a lot harder for me to analyze it But I can give you some unique insight in Washington DC right So as a focus area Then the third is I would say stuff you want to play with and learn about That you could lose all your money in that category and not set you back So for me that is venture capital investing in technology companies I am interested in the space I want to have some money deployed there, but I do not know how truly how to vet great technology company opportunities I might argue nobody does but but I certainly don't And so I invest in a technology driven venture capital fund That it has a team of people who have a track record of making good bets on that But I also know that if I lose all that money It's not going to affect the other stuff I'm doing so this is you're more speculative category This might be cryptocurrency. This might be NFTs. This is like I'm trying to place a bet on the table knowing that one out of 20 is going to hit it But the 19 the other 19 could very well go to zero Yeah, and that's okay But a smart person would say I'm not going to invest 100% of my investment opportunity dollars into that space Because that's crazy from a risk standpoint and I see a lot of people doing that or they'll say I'm just going to like Like throw out a bunch of dollars to a lot of different things. I'll put some in crypto I'll put some in multiple crypto cryptocurrencies. I'm going to buy it up to NFT. Let's figure out what that is You know, I'm going to put it like no that's not a strategy That's just gambling right so you know, so that's how I think about the pillars traditional vehicles your specialty item And then an area that you're willing to be more speculative around and balance your percentage of investment dollars accordingly I love it man. Um, can you share with us from a percentage standpoint where you have your assets in each each bucket I would put my money on number two being probably where you hold the most but I'm very open to What how do you see all three of these pillars? It's sort of like almost It's like 70 or 80 10 and in 10 right it 10% is going in the speculative what I consider speculative That gosh if I get lucky one out of 20 is going to make it and give me a nice return And area only 10% and I keep my allocation of traditional vehicle 401k IRA investing to about 10 maybe 15% as well Okay, the rest is going for me in commercial real estate and hospitality oriented stuff And I just I know I just want to point out that Um, that's you you have that system set up because of your specialized knowledge and you've been a master at your craft Let me ask you this when it comes to investing in yourself Yes, would you allocate pillar two if you're early on could you justify saying ham and save money But I'm going to actively invest in coaching or I'm going to actively invest in something so that that translates into specialized knowledge Like would you could you justify that by saying I'm going to invest in pillar two by investing in myself Absolutely, yeah, I have over the years spent Possibly now seven figures in coaching and consulting and mentor paid mentors and yeah, I made a huge Continuous every day make huge capital investments in my own knowledge and understanding and evolution 100% Yeah, thank I that's a huge thing not up to seven figures yet But I probably have spent almost two hundred thousand dollars or more Today on just my personal development and some people will hear that they go. Oh my goodness Like how is that even possible? And I'm just so grateful for the mindset shifts and and for that and um, I'm I've seen a multiple return on investment from those decisions Um, let's talk about the community and network that you're building um sure And I'll just tease it out by saying a lot of times in this space If you don't have if you don't know someone you miss out on big opportunities And I think you're doing something pretty innovative in a way to Maybe bridge the gap from the the elite versus the people that want to get into those deals But it may not know a person right so I find myself in such an interesting position now where I have a lot of very wealthy uh and incredibly successful Friends and colleagues because of what I've been able to achieve and then I have a lot of other people too that are Are successful in their own right but they're trying to get to make more money You know, so I feel like I'm like this bridge between different worlds And so you know in the last few years I've been thinking well, what do I do about that? And so I launched an organization called the Alchemy of Money Which started as an education Company where I developed a course and documents and materials and said look if you want to learn about small business finance This is really focused on entrepreneurs then you take my course right and that actually went really really well But what I discovered in that was Education isn't actually enough actually You need access because most people don't have access to These other verticals I'm talking about like they have acts everybody has access to the public markets anybody could go You know set up a brokerage account and invest in stock and But you don't like who's getting access to that 13 million dollar warehouse configuration Private networks who's getting access to that venture capital fund that's investing in 20 different tech companies two of which are probably going to make a big private networks So as part of the Alchemy of Money I said great. We're also going to be an investment club And I'm going to bring the opportunities I see and come to me to the table for the for the people the members of the Alchemy of Money community To invest in or not and I'm a 100% transparent on whether I'm putting in money or I'm not And why that would be and you know, we Unlike traditional, you know funds. This isn't an investment fund. I'm not charging, you know Yeah, big fees. I don't know. It's designed to bring access to deals to the community That are committed to growing their financial capacity through education training and networking What's interesting is as happening now is other people in the community are bringing opportunities out of the network So it's starting to really Roll down the road where where we're helping each other Figure things out and bring opportunities to the group Do you have to be accredited to be a part of this? You have to be accredited to participate in the deals. Okay, you do not have to be accredited Be part of the Alchemy of Money community the educational component you get access to all of that as a matter of fact My thought was great because you know, how do you become an accredited investor? Well You need to get better with money And so the education component really helps build people up So you get and you can see and and get access to all of the documents and the conversations You just can't invest your capital until you become an accredited investor. Yep. You are you are who you hang around So pick your communities well and um, and so how can people find out more about this and enjoying this community? Yes, go to brandandgreen.com my website and click on wealth building And that's where you're going to find the information about the community How do I get a easier last name like green Yes, I can't do that. I can't say go to Caleb Williams.com because no one knows how to spell my last name So yes, I know thanks to my Irish ancestors who came across to the 1700s and kept the name green right So brandandgreen.com. Yes, like the color. G-R-E and not come Click on wealth building and you can you can get access to join the community and And just learn hang out and be part of what we're up to in this conversation And if you're in a position to then you know, we're we're my original commitment was one or two great investments a year that that's turning out to be a lot more And so we'll see where this goes, but we're excited about it The cool thing cool thing about a community like that is it it creates leverage Because you are stronger together So you can get better deals if it's not just you, but you now have a community behind you and vice versa The community can get it on better deals because of the community and so it is a great point It's great. I mean, if that we're working one today where the minimum threshold is $250,000 Well, but we're able to bundle the $250,000 as a group and get in example Yeah, we had example that's really good Anything else that you want to say I always end the podcast within a legacy question But is there anything else you want to talk about from college to Making more money saving Investing what you're seeing in the real estate world right now like I'm just I very much appreciate experts coming on and really being generous at their time and sharing the good Yeah, that you're seeing right now One I want to make one final comment that we can talk about legacy which I love I When it comes to building wealth you you always have this sense that everybody else is further ahead than you They must be and or like you're too late you you missed the good boat Right, you know that the the best opportunities were when people got in that before you did and and and and the reality is That anytime is a good opportunity to get into Increasing your financial capacity and all you actually need is five years to completely change your financial trajectory So if you think you've got five years Then you've got an opportunity to completely turn things around so you know I now I'm in my 40s and I get more people like oh, I'm in my 40s I think I missed the boat. I'm like what you have 50 more freaking years if not more based on life expectancy So stop crying And get going right so I just want to put that out there because I it's so easy to scroll Twitter Instagram or whatever and you're like wow everybody is richer and more beautiful than me And that's just not true right, yeah, so let's get going you got five years and you can make it happen But if you if you can increase your wealth you can have enough to buy unlimited Organic blueberries All year I'm talking I'm drinking a homemade caboocha Okay, caboocha thanks to my lovely wife April so it's wonderful. It's a good stuff Thank you number one for being on um, I it's it's no it's it's It's clear to me that you speak for a living and that you encourage people and I'm just really grateful that you came on to share your Expertise and wisdom the way I end this show is talking about legacy and and really The reason and I don't normally explain this But we have to think with the end in mind and the actions that you spend today are gonna make a ripple effect Whether you live to see it or not And so the legacy question goes like this if this was your last day on earth And you're with the people that you love the most what would you make sure to communicate in that last conversation with them? You can't give them any podcast or book or talk that you've given you only have that conversation What would you make sure to highlight in that conversation? love At the end of the day that's what we have and And sometimes I get asked like what do you want to be known for? I want to be known for love actually And and and love permeates everything and makes the world go around and and so That's what I would focus on on that last day is how to be as loving as possible to every human being out there Particularly the ones I disagree with yeah Yeah, how do I bring love to that equation? How do we show more empathy? Is there I'm sorry? I just want to unpack that a little bit more What's your definition of love and you made a comment even the people that you disagree with how do you what's a practical way that we can do that? Yeah, I believe that at the end of the day everybody's just trying to do the best they can And that is the human experience and if we can relate to people that we disagree with from the perspective of they are doing the very best they can like us That it gives us that commonality and that connection once again So I'm working. I'll give you a tactical example I'm working on a project right now where I've got a fair amount of immediate neighbor opposition. They do not like me And they're very vocal about it and and it's it's it is stall the project in some ways Right, and so it's become a great teacher for me of how even in the face of adversity like that Do I still love them? Yep, and feel the common human experience with people who actively oppose me every day That is My journey right is all of us and so that's where I would leave it is how do we how do we do that and and there's not a magic answer But I think it's a mindset around how we think about our fellow human beings Brandon green. Thank you Brandon green.com Go check out be a part of the community and thank you for making time to be on the show. I've taken a Page of notes and just grateful for how you articulate things and I'm just excited to see where you go in the future Thank you Caleb. Thanks for having me You