Welcome to

We believe it’s impossible to be wealthy if you are not living intentionally.
Our vision is to make
intentional living the new wealth standard.


Who We Are:

We are a virtual financial services company committed to finding a Better Way for 6 and 7 figure value creators.


Who We Serve:

val·ue cre·a·tor
Noun: Someone who creates more than they consume

Our BetterWealth Approach:

  1. Identify what you want
  2. Remove any unnecessary Financial Friction

“Financial Friction”
may Include…

Over Paying on Taxes

Bad Debt

Bad Credit

Lacking Clarity

Insurance Gaps

Not Maximzing Your Income

Not Optimizing Savings

Lack of Control & Knowledge

Not tracking cash flow 

Underperforming Investments

Not knowing your numbers

Lack of Legacy planning

Our Services

BetterWealth Office

BW Office is designed to allow six- and seven-figure value creators to take advantage of the ultra-wealthy family office service. It is a one-stop shop for helping you make financial decisions to live an intentional life.

Unlocking Financial Health with BetterWealth

At BetterWealth, we have a proven process to evaluate and improve our clients' financial health. We understand that each individual has unique financial goals and challenges, which is why we tailor our approach to meet their specific needs.

Experience the BetterWealth Difference

Our team of financial experts will guide you through our comprehensive process, helping you make informed decisions and take control of your finances.

Achieve Financial Success with BetterWealth

Our proven strategies and personalized approach will help you achieve your financial goals and secure a better future for yourself and your loved ones.

Our Vision - Make Intentional Living
The Wealth Standard

On a mission to capture 1,000 intentional living examples

Blair Karadeniz
Jared Haley
Edwin (JB) Piatt

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