There's an opportunity right now with inflation and interest rates that not a lot of people are talking about. If you know how to put it together for the right person, it could have a massive impact on what they're doing. It's really one of those things where it's essential to take advantage soon because we have no idea where interest rates are heading. I'm going to be able to help people lock in a crazy high interest rate without taking any risk.
Understanding the Strategy
For a fixed retirement saver, the goal is to maximize cash flow while maintaining safety. Here's a strategy that can help achieve such goals:
- They don't want risk.
- They want the highest cash flow they can get.
- They want it for as long a period of time as they can.
- They want to give that money to their kids economically in a simple way.
A CD can do that for a short term, like 12 months. But what if we combined two products to enhance this structure without basing it on performance? It's crucial to consider longer-term solutions.
The Approach
Let me share a scenario to illustrate the application of this strategy.
- A couple, aged 70 and 69, wanted a way to transition their rental property income safely without managing risks. Their property yielded around 4% net income, and they were keen to find a similarly structured, safe financial product.
- The solution was to split their $400,000 property sale into two vehicles:
- Joint Lifetime Income Annuity: With $300,000, they purchased an annuity deferred until age 73, guaranteeing $32,000 a year for life.
- Guaranteed Joint Survivorship Life Contract: The remaining $100,000 was divided into 10 payments to guarantee a tax-free death benefit of $400,000 to their heirs.
- This provided them with reliable income and ensured their legacy for their children, enhancing their financial situation with an 8% annual distribution.
This creative approach combines safety with higher cash flow, making it an ideal choice for certain retirement savers. The key is ensuring the strategy aligns with your specific needs and goals.
Note: This is not financial advice. Please consult with a professional advisor to assess personal suitability and relevance.
Full Transcript
There's a opportunity right now with inflation and interest rates that not a lot of people are talking about it. If you know how to put it together for the right person, it could have a massive impact on what they're doing. It's really one of those things where it's like they got to take advantage soon on this strategy because we have no idea where interest rates are. The first words that we're out of your mouth when we talked recently is you're like Caleb, I'm going to be able to help people lock in a crazy high interest rate without taking any risk. What are ways that we can create that CD-like returns? Safety, but ultimately give you a better bank for your buck. You have to think outside the box for a fixed retirement saver. They don't want risk. They want the highest cash flow they can get. They want it for as long a period of time as they can. And then they want to give that money to their kids very economically in a simple way. Great. Well, CD can do that for 12 months. What if we took two products right now and we don't base it on performance? When you enter a retirement, it's very easy for scarcity to creep in. You have all the money you're going to have. Now you have to live off that money and you don't know how long you're going to live and you still want to be abundant. I want people to hear from this Caleb is I'm not advocating that this is like some magic bullet or some thing that I'm pushing really heavy. I'm not at all. I don't think this is right for a lot of people. But for the right person and the right scenario and retirement, this could be the missing piece to solve for cash flow, protect their loved ones. You have them peace of mind and more importantly and I want to get into this conversation, have them show up more powerfully. Danny, welcome back to the bearable show. Thanks, man. Thanks for having me. It's really good to be here. It's fun talking about all kinds of different topics. I know that you're super passionate about retirement. You help people all over the country maximize their retirement income. You came in today pumped because you helped some people recently with this new strategy that you've discovered. And what I would love for you to do is like lay the foundation. I'm going to be listening. I'm going to be actively listening, which some people don't appreciate because I'm going to be interrupting you. But let's just like I want to learn and I want this channel to be a place that like makes people like increases their financial IQ. And so with that, welcome to the show. And I'm excited to like dive in. I'm wearing a college shirt. You know, I'm serious, dude. I'm super serious. I know. I saw the college shirt. I've been so looking forward to this forever because I love coming on this channel. I love the community. I love being a part of it or well. Like what you guys are doing is really raising the bar on the conversation in the industry. You're helping so many people and it's just an honor to be a part of this. So thanks for having me on, bro. Yep. I'm fired up. You know, man, I'm so excited. I'm sounding the alarm bells because there's a opportunity right now with inflation and interest rates that not a lot of people are talking about. And I've been traveling going around different channels. And I've been just working as much as I can in my own practice and trying to help people to realize that there's an opportunity here. And there's a really exciting thing that's going on. And if you know how to put it together for the right person, it could have a massive impact on what they're doing. So I want to come on channel and share that today. Yeah. And so I just want to set the stage. So as we're recording this, interest rates are coming down, which is great for if you're a real estate investor, if you're quite frankly like an investor, like that might be good news for you. But in the retirement space that you're in, this has been like a crazy blip in time that's been like, wow, like we're able to get greater money safely. And that's been really great. And so the first words that were out of your mouth when we talked recently is you're like Caleb, I'm going to be able to help people lock in a crazy high interest rate without taking any risk. And it's really one of those things where it's like they got to take advantage soon on this strategy because we have no idea where interest rates are at. So with that, I just want to set the stage of like, you know, this is not for somebody who, you know, wants to be able to earn high rates return in the market or as a real estate investor. This is for the person that's maybe more conservative likes what happened the last year with higher interest rates and like CDs and other things. But now that that's coming back down, what are ways that we can create that, you know, CD like returns, safety, but ultimately give you a better bang for your buck. And I also want to just be clear like, this is not retirement planning advice. This is not investment advice. It's not tax advice. This is all entertainment. And we have to say that because obviously we don't know your situation. I'm just love bringing on people that are experts in different areas. And I learn a lot and I find that our audience likes to hear different perspectives. And so without further ado, Danny, let's dive in. Yeah, thanks so much, Caleb. And first of all, I want to be careful with that word rate of return, right? Because this is actually what we're doing is we're kind of building something that will mirror similar effects to somebody who wants a CD or fixed annuity. So again, just to frame this for people so we don't waste anybody's time. We're talking directly to people this could actually bring value to it and they're interested in this kind of education, right? You said it so perfectly. It's for people who want CDs at the bank or fixed annuities with an insurance company. What that means is they want to keep their principal safe and they just want to get a good interest rate. They want to take that interest rate and live off of that. You know, retirement savers used to buy CDs. They could go get six, six and a half percent. They could live off the interest, keep their principal intact for their kids. You know, the bank would guarantee it was a great deal. And they loved it because it was safe, right? As we mature Caleb, different phases of our life change how we think about our money and what level of risk we're comfortable with. You know, you and I, we're like ultimate risk. We got all the time in the world. We can make lots of money. We can blow it. We can make mistakes. We can grow. We can learn. And we're looking to grow exponentially. Okay. But when we age and we get closer to 60, 70, 80, we change. You know, our needs change, our desires change. We don't want the same things. We have different priorities and different concerns. And you and I haven't even experienced what that feels like yet. So it's challenging to put ourselves in the shoes of somebody who's feeling those things because you and I have a lot of conversations about abundance and scarcity. And you know, we try to stay in the abundance mindset so we can serve and give and grow our communities and help people. When you enter retirement, it's very easy for scarcity to creep in. You have all the money you're going to have. Now you have to live off that money. And you don't know how long you're going to live. And you still want to be abundant. You know, when we're making big money, money's flowing and it's easy to be abundant. When you're living off a fixed income, scarcity is a real thing. And I'm on a mission to eradicate scarcity because I think it really interrupts some of the most beautiful parts of life, which is where we get to give and spend time with our families and maybe improve our communities or do the things we never got a chance to do while we were busy working. So in order to honor that and guard that, we have to think outside the box. And here's why I'm so passionate, Caleb. I've been an agent through the last 13 years. So I worked through a decade of almost zero interest rates. We talked about this last time, right? We had like a 1% account that people were excited about in 2015. That's a scary prospect. So now that interest rates have come up because inflation has come up, we're paying all the prices at the grocery store, the gas, all the stuff we don't like. But for the retirement saver, if they're not taking advantage of an opportunity right now, they could miss all the benefits of the inflation for that type of person. Now, benefits of inflation can include things for like real estate investors that we're not going to go into. But for fixed retirement savers, there is an opportunity, which you have to be creative and you have to put two products together. So let me just tell you the story of how this was born, if I can. I had a CPA in town refer a client to me and the client was 70 years old. His wife was 69. And he had a rental property. Now, when we sat down and looked at what he was getting after his expenses, all the stuff. And again, there's a lot of great real estate investors that you've introduced me to through this channel. And they would probably laugh at this number. But again, they were self-managing. They were very kind. They didn't raise rents very much. They dealt with repairs and all this stuff. They were making about 4% on their money. As a monthly net income, that's what they were actually realizing and income from the property. But they were done. They're like, I don't want to do this anymore. Where can I go put the money? And I said, well, it's really simple. We can go and you can go get even go to walk into any bank in America and go get 4% on your money. I mean, you can get a CD for 12 months. But what happens after 12 months? We got to get a new CD. And what happens if interest rates go down? Now you enter the race to the bottom. So now, if we get into a declining interest rate environment and we don't know what's going to happen with interest rates, I have no idea. And they were anti. They didn't want to put their money in equities. No, they were at a point where they're like, look, we don't want risk. I don't care what the return is. And I wasn't trying to pitch them anything with risk. I was just asking them, how do you feel about risk? And they said, we don't want it. It would cause us sleepless nights. Just for what the return is not for me. Okay, that's fine. I'm not going to try to convince anybody. Why would I do that? So I said, okay, well, it's real simple. You can go get a bank CD. Pace 4%. You could get a fixed annuity. It also pays 4%. You can get a little longer term. Okay. But is that a long term solution? Is that the best thing for your other situation? I said, what if we got a little creative here? And I said, let me just ask you a couple more questions. Okay, you want the highest income for you? But why the CD? Do you need the money? No, no, we have plenty of other liquidity. Okay. So what's the purpose of keeping the principal there? Well, we have two kids and we'd really like them to receive that money. That's very important to us. Okay. Now we got the stage that I understand what their needs are and their priorities. They don't want risk. They want the highest cash flow they can get. They want it for as long a period of time as they can. And then they want to give that money to their kids very economically in a simple way. Great. Well, CD can do that for 12 months. But now we need to enter into a new scenario. So I said, what if we took two products right now? And we don't based on performance. What if we just look at what the insurance company is willing to give you as a guarantee? And here's what we did. Okay, they had 400,000 net from the sale of this property. Okay. What we did was we split it into two different vehicles. One of the vehicles was a joint lifetime income annuity. What that is is a product that you can put money into. It's going to provide you a payment for the rest of your life and your spouse's life. And even if the money runs out, the payment will still come. Now at the payout rate that they were at, which was high, they're going to run out of money fairly soon. Okay. So that doesn't honor their second goal of wanting to leave the principal in place. But we only put 300,000 into the joint lifetime income annuity. And what we did was we deferred it for three years until what it was his RMD age. Now it wasn't an IRA. So there's no relevance there to the RMD age. That's just what he wanted to defer to until he needed the income. So we deferred until 73. That 300,000 from that insurance company was going to guarantee him and his wife 32 grand a year for as long as they live. Okay. But they still have another 100,000 from the sale. So what did we do with that? Well, what I did was I divided it into 10 payments and we purchased a guaranteed joint survivorship life contract. And what that means is we're able to pick an age that if we put in 10 payments at the right time for 10 years, the insurance company will guarantee it to their age 120 a tax-free death benefit of guess what 400,000. So what do you end up with Caleb? You don't end up with a liquidity of a CD. I want to be clear. And this is not a rate of return. Okay. But what did they end up with as their net effect? They ended up with $32,000 of income a year off 400 grand. And when they pass that entire 400 grand will be transferred back to their family tax free. And if you do the math of what is 32,000 divided by their 400, they put into the entire strategy, that is 8%. Now, that's not a rate of return. That is a distribution. It's an 8% distribution of their total amount of contribution that they put towards the strategy. But they were very happy. And their kids were very happy because instead of trying to go out and buy products and be at the mercy of interest rate risk, they were able to say, Hey, well, we love that. Let's lock it in. Let's make sure my wife's protected. And then we have this basically. It's not paid up because it's universal life, but essentially the company's guaranteeing that you make the 10 payments and it'll be there to 120. So I mean, you can call that whatever you want. It's not paid up. But essentially, what they got was exactly what they came in for in a different way. We were able to boost cash flow substantially instead of only giving them a 4% off the top. Now they could take 8% distribution and make sure their kids get that money. I think that's special. I'm excited about it. And I don't think enough people are really talking about it when you really can get creative. And that's just one example. Yeah. And when you're when you're talking 8% you're using 8% of the 400,000. Yeah. And we are we do need a factor that we're we're going three years. But you're essentially giving them in this scenario, you're locking in that they're going to be able to pass on their money most efficiently to their kids. Yeah. And they're able to spend a lot more throughout their life versus the scenario number one would be like try to find a product that we just spend the interest off of. And so, you know, and and 4% if they if they wanted to give their money, their principal back, 4% might be the number today. But as interest rates continue to come down, if they really want to if they really want their principal to pass on their kids, there may be a world where they're now going to only be able to spend one or two percent if they don't want to take that risk. So, I just want to like, you're trying to I'm just in my painting the picture brought like it's it's one of those things where the negative to this this scenario is there you took their 400,000 you gave them the this and they don't have liquidity of that 400 anymore. Whereas like if their money was in a CD or whatnot, they're getting a lot less, but their money is available, but it sounds like in their scenario, it wasn't that only money that they had they had money other places so you're able to maximize the legacy and also spending. I have a couple other questions, but I want to just pass the mic back over to you. Thank you. What I was saying was I didn't interrupt you. We're not that far off of 2% interest rates. That was just a few years ago. I mean, so it's very recent. That's why I'm like excited. I'm like, where did this come from? Like when I ran this and I'm like, you know, wait, like, think about that leverage. A 70, almost 70 year old couple can put a hundred grand into a joint survivor. I'm not joint survivor ship universal life policy and get 400,000. Okay, that's four times leverage in your set. That's crazy. Yeah. So like, that's a really exciting thing. And so when you can put this together, what you find is exactly what you said, the downside and the negative to this is it's a commitment. I mean, they're not, if you cash out that's annuity and you give up that life policy, you know, you're out that premium that's gone. And there's a surrender charge on the annuity. Okay. But again, that's why it's so important to stick to our process, which is we do a really, really thorough job of many meetings with people to understand what is their total needs look like? What is our complete situation? But then how can we maximize these little outliers that are important to them, these priorities that they have? And we say, okay, we know you're not going to need this liquidity. You have more liquidity than it's even in the strategy. But if you wanted to try to compete against a CD or an investment property, which I'm not competing against the investment property, that's gone. But let's say you want to compete against a bank CD or a fixed annuity. Is there something that could get you more cash flow? And here's what I love. It's about return on result. You taught me this. Okay. What's the difference in that 16 grand for that family? Is that a family cruise? They get to take every year with their family? Is that college funding for one of their grandkids when they get in and they need room and board? I mean, it's amazing what you could do with an extra 16 grand. And that's really the difference in what they were looking at from a guaranteed payout from the annuity versus the interest rate on the New York six. I want to play a couple scenarios. So please. The $32,000 that you're giving them from the annuity. Yeah. I'd never granted three years from there. They have an 400,000. Yeah. With the 4% role for those of you listening, 4% role, it's essentially taking out 4% of your balance. And you can increase for inflation if you'd like. And the idea would be that your money would at least be able to last for 30 years. I'm using principle right now to compare like a typical distribution strategy. You would need $800,000 in an account with a 4% role to produce 32,000. I just want to put that in perspective of again, again, you're taking 400,000 and you're creating a joint universal life, which again, for those of you listening or watching, is two people, you know, two people need to qualify, which makes it a little bit easier to get underwritten because for the insurance company, it's not just one person that needs to die. It's both. So there, it's quote unquote, better for them. It allows you to be able to get more that leverage because one of those, one of those individuals probably would have to spend a lot more to get that 400,000. But the whole goal is they wanted to pass on their kids. It wasn't one of those that, you know, and because the annuity was joint, meaning if one of them died, they're still getting the income. So it's really you're accomplishing, you know, best best to both worlds. I would be curious and I don't know if you ran this. If you did a single one, you did a single annuity and a single death benefit on one, if what the numbers would look, if they would be any different in this scenario. I love that you went there because that's where I was going with this next. So first of all, David, I already talked about this by the way, this is not scripted. This is, so I can, no, no, I literally was going there next like I'm fired up at it. So I apologize and interrupting. I'm just excited. I got to let everybody know. So our friend David McKnight wrote a great book about this tax-free income for life, right? Exactly what you said. It's a very expensive prospect to try to get 800 grand to create 32,000. If you can get 400 grand to create 32,000, you're boosting your cash flow and retirement. Okay? But again, there's a set, there's another part to that, right? What about the kids? What if your priority is different than just maximizing cash flow for you? What if you have a legacy need? That's where this comes into play. And what's so exciting about it is where I made a mistake was I went on life 180 about a month ago and I was like, hey, this is this cool strategy and I'm so excited about it. And when I first built it, what I was doing was I was trying to start the annuity within 30 days, peel off some income and buy the life insurance policy as a life pay. And what that did was that lowered the payout to about 7% of the total money. What I found was when we're able to be intentional with our clients and find out what is the cash flow for? Well, I got some other liquidity I could use as kind of like a bridge for three years. Let's let this pump up a little bit. Great. Now if we can mix a combination of deferral or single end joint life, you can create different outcomes. So where this strategy really is amazing is when you can mix it and start to blend. So for example, some people might say, well, shoot, I wasn't expecting 32,000 or I don't even want that much. Right. I don't need it. Well, maybe we could put more into the life policy. And instead of just replacing the money you put in, what if you could double the money you put in for the kids? What if that was your priority? Or what if you said, hey, you know what? The kids are going to get all this other stuff. They don't need to get 100% of it. What if we cut it down to 50% and boost cash flow for us? Well, now you can get an even higher amount of cash flow. Or what if you said, I don't need the income in three years, I could go seven years. You can work with this. And what our team does is we build models for people where we say, look, let's just figure out what it is you want to have happen. And then we can go to the insurance company and get them to give us the guarantees that they'll provide that it'll happen. And so it's really fun when you get to sit and customize it because then you can build whatever you want. Yeah, what I did you run in this scenario if they won. You did a single pay, not joint pay, single pay annuity, and then a single, you know, guaranteed life, same 10 pay, like what the number difference would be? I did it for this scenario, but I'll tell you another one that I ran, which is really cool. So let me give you another scenario that I got. I had a guy who is 52. Okay. Okay. He's got a wife who's 42. And he tells me, he says, look, I don't need this money to I'm 65. I just need to let it build. And then I want to replace this money for my spouse. Okay. So remember, he's 52. She's 42. They don't want to touch it till he's 65 years old at retirement age. That's 13 years. Okay. So what we're able to do is we're able to put, okay, in this scenario on I wrote down the numbers right now, it's ready with me. And it's this is a rough numbers. It's not like illustrations or anything, but just as an example, he had it roughly around 500,000 to put into the annuity. Yet another 100,000 we put over here. But he had 500,000 he could put into the annuity. Instead of building it separately, like I did, I took the whole 600,000 and put it into the annuity. Okay. And again, he's got lots of other money and other things. This is not all of his money. We would never do that. This is just a portion and actually for him a small portion. So we put 600,000 in the annuity. Okay. And we let that defer for 13 years. And a guaranteed payment 13 years later for him on a single life was approximately $80,000. Okay. Single life annuity. I know the difference. Okay. So you're saying 80,000. $80,000. Okay. So just think about that on its own. Okay. If you just you need just you need $2 million in an account at the 4% rule. So it's just just to give perspective of like now again, we're we're we're saying 13 years from now. So while you're talking, I'm going to do a future value calculator of what you would have to earn. So yeah. So 13 years later. Okay. That payment's going to be approximately $80,000. Now what's cool about that is we're able to get a large amount of cash flow. Like you just mentioned from a contribution and the company is going to say, Hey, this is from us guaranteed. I'm not relying on indexing or performance. This is what the company is saying. They're willing to guarantee his a payment if he waits 13 years. Cool. But what's the problem with that? Well, his wife's only 55. And that annuity is going to be out of money really quick. You take 80,000 divided by basically 600,000. There was some growth in there, but whatever. Just say it's, you know, just assume there's not that much going. There's not going to be any money left for her. If he passes away early, she's in real trouble. And just just be clear, just be clear. It's not that he would be able to get 80,000 for the rest of his life. But then the fact that he's 10 years older, when he dies, that's gone. And again, if you died, let's say really early, there may be some money that could be, but like most likely, you know, if he's 75 or 80 passes away. So I just want to be clear about like, about that. Continue. Please. So here's the cool part, Caleb, right? So everybody would go, well, Daniel, that's crazy. Like she's 55 years old. He's going to be out of money. And like, what is that 11 years 12 year? I mean, it's like, if he were to pass away in his mid 70s, what risk we've now created for her. But here's which crazy. Let's say we peel off seven grand and put it in a life pay G well. G well stands for guaranteed universal life. Okay. No cash value in this policy. It is literally you make a payment and you're guaranteed from the company of death benefit to age 120. That's it. There's no cash value. But that 7,000 a year as a life pay starting at age 52. Okay. Gives him a death benefit of $600,000. So now he can create income and cash flow. And again, he had the 7,000 people were going to say, well, he put in 7,000 for 13 years. Where did that money come from? He had it. Okay. We built that in after the 13 years. He's paying that out of the annuity out of the annuity. And by the way, the first payment basically pays him back. I mean, after two years, he's paid himself back all his money he put in. So, okay, great. Maybe you deferred another year and a half in that case. But what I'm saying is if you take seven grand and put it in a GUL on him now at age 52, it creates 600,000 of death benefits. So when he retires at 65, if he lives 30 years or 10 years, he's going to get any grand out of that annuity. And then the entire 600 grand is going to now kick in for the spouse and she can start income for the rest of her life. So what I want people to hear from this Caleb is I'm not advocating that this is like some magic bullet or some really thing that I like some thing that I'm pushing really heavy. I'm not at all. I don't think this is right for a lot of people. But for the right person in the right scenario and retirement, this could be the missing piece to solve for cash flow, protect their loved ones, give them peace of mind. And more importantly, and I want to get into this conversation, have them show up more powerfully. Like it's the saddest thing to me in the world that there's a prospect of people understanding because there's an amazing book and I've been recommending it to everybody. It's called Die With Zero. I don't know if you read it. This book, no way. Don't tease me. You have it? Yeah. Yeah. So I strongly encourage everybody who listens to your channel and wants to live more intentionally to read this book. It changed the way I think about retirement and cash flow. And I can't tell you how proud I am this year. This is by far been my most successful year and not because of the money I've made or production. It's because I've had clients texting me after reading this book. One of them's taking their family, their entire extended family on a cruise. One of them is buying the car they always wanted to buy and they can't afford it. They just never gave themselves permission. They were scared to buy it when they totally could afford it. Like, and again, it's not about material things. It's about just being able to remove fear and scarcity and being able to share this wealth with people while you can. Yeah. Danny, I love this and I'm going to take this a step further because the thing that allows us to do these strategies is actually the permanent death benefit. Because in scenario number one, we had a joint lifetime power annuity and a joint guaranteed universal life policy. And so what that allowed these people to do is they they for gone liquidity, but they got to secure the principle that they're going to pass on to their kids and took out that income. And maybe if they read, you know, die with zero, maybe that $32,000 that that's producing is able to do some fun things with family. Okay. Scenario number two, same concept. They took a chunk of money. Instead of doing the 10 pay guaranteed a new life, they put all that money in a deferred annuity, it paid out $80,000. So they took you took $600,000 and 13 years from now you get a guaranteed 80,000 that pays out every single year until the day that you die. And at this name time, setting up a $600,000 guaranteed death benefit from day one to ensure that if something happens to you, like you're covering that. And so those are two scenarios of people that value more guaranteed and safety. Is that correct? Like these people are like, Hey, we're able to accomplish all this without taking any risk. Which is that's that's that's something amazing to say. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Definitely. They're able to get predictable results that they can secure without taking risk on the risk of. And that's what they're hearing me out here. That's awesome. For the person that is like, and by the way, this person would need to earn 8 point or 9.8%. The second person would need to earn 9.8% every single year in their original 600,000. To have a future value of over $2 million, which at 4% would produce 80. So just so it's possible. But but you could easily say like, Hey, someone watching watching this could be like, Yeah, I totally feel like I could make that great. Don't do the annuity. But if you're like, No, I don't want I like that that would put a lot of stress on me. Then like the annuity guarantee is I'm not saying I'm not saying you're saying this, but it it it's alike. You're earning 9.8% assuming that you're going to do the 4% rule of 13 years from now. All all I'm saying is you can with permanent life insurance. This is what I'm trying to say with permanent life insurance. It gives you other options. And whether you're someone like we're talking to with Annie today on like people that he's been able to help of people that want to be a little bit more conservative, helping them like unlock their cash flow to live more intentionally. Awesome. You might be someone that like is high risk someone that wants to swing for the fences and business. Someone that wants to like go that extra mile. By the way, the death benefit is the same solution that allows you to be able to try to hit a home run and ensure that even if you strike out, you're not starting over. So it's just that like the concept of permanent life insurance when you look at it holistically when you understand the different benefits that it can bring to your financial life. Like that's why I love talking about this kind of stuff because my hope is regardless whoever's listening to this and maybe there's a lot of advisors or people that work with people and their money, we have to help people understand that you're you have to look at the different jobs that you're giving your dollar and your portfolio. If you can give your dollar jobs, dollars, different jobs are leveraged those jobs those those small dollars might be able to act as bigger dollars in other areas of your life. And that's the example real life example by the way that you've articulated, but the principle or ripple effect should improve everyone's financial IQ and what you just explained. Yeah, and thank you for saying that. I appreciate it. And it's it's just exciting. Like it's not about trying to say, well, this is better than that or this is the best or this is good and the other one's bad, right? Everybody's different. Like you said, there's people who are like 9.1% I'm making 12%. I'm going, that's awesome. Like you should do that, right? Like that's amazing. If you can do that, do that. This is for somebody who says, I don't know if I can do that, but I love the idea that I could just guarantee it with an insurance company. Like they'll give me a piece of paper and writing that says this will happen. And if you want that, this may be suitable, but here's what's really cool Caleb. It's about creating options. Like the reason I wrote my first book is I'm obsessed with finding that edge. Like if there's anything that gives my clients a competitive advantage, I'm going to want to know about it and share it with them proactively and be the person that brings it to their life, right? And so if you have someone who's like, well, I'm not that swing for the fences. I'm not comfortable with risk. I don't know if I could earn that kind of money. What's my default, right? They default to the conventional options, CDs and fixinues. Yeah. Well, this creates another option, right? It gives them the potential to say, Hey, I want more cash flow. And then think about from their kids' perspective, like their kids are sitting there going, Mom, Dad, we don't want the money. Spend the money. Enjoy it for yourself. They can't do that. Behaviorally, they've saved that money their whole life. They're not just going to go spend the money. Yeah. But now if you say, Hey, you know what? You're going to get a $32,000 paycheck every year for the rest of your life. No matter what happens, and all that money is going to go to your kids when you're done. What are you going to do with it? You could spend the whole $32,000 grant every year and another $32,000 grant's coming. And I'm telling you, there's going to be more and more studies that come out to talk about the psychology of, you know, of annuities and like how you actually will live longer. There's already studies out there of like people will live longer when they're not in scarcity of like, I'm, you know, because you might not think that affects your health, but it does like the fear of running out of money or not being being a burden on your kids. Like that's a real thing. And there's, there's something to say like people can have debates all day long. Like, Oh, mathematically, you'd be better off putting all your money and equities and having one year of liquidity. I literally had a conversation with someone very bright. Probably going to bring them on the channel. That was a pitch. And I was like, great. That's, that's awesome. For someone who's like obsessed and like has a channel that helps people like, great. But like, put people in real life in that. Like, what's their life expectancy going to be, you know, and and so it's like every scenario is a little bit different. And I think these different. I think it's, it's fun to chat with you with the more, but the message I want, I would just want to share with our audience because I want to be as practical as possible as, as interest rates come down, if you are sitting on a chunk of money that you might think, I might want to figure out, isn't a newty a potential play for part of my assets. It might be super beneficial for you to talk to someone. Danny will include your link if they want to reach out to you. Because at the end of the day, as interest rates come down, there will always be a play. Anuities made sense three or four years ago. But they're better now because of where interest rates are at. And so my, my only, my only encouragement would be if you're watching this and you're like someone who was just like thinking, you're better off at least talking to somebody whether that's standing or somebody else that can help you understand the scenario, but just make sure that when you're talking to somebody, you're not just looking at one piece. You're not just looking at what it is an annuity look like, or what does an insurance product look like, or what does blank look like. Hopefully you can talk to someone that can take your look at your scenario and look at the different buckets and how can each bucket and hands each other by just being a part of your portfolio. And hopefully that was the big takeaway is like insurance and annuities put together. Really, really powerful one, two punch. They give you another option. I want to close with two personal things if I can. Yeah. Number one, my grandfather, who I'm named after, the original Dan Ronberg passed away when I was very young. One of my only memories I have of him is the family crews that he took our entire family on when I was five years old. I still remember that crews. I still remember having dinner with them at the table. I still remember going up to the captains that like it's legacy. Like these things create memories that are very powerful for your family. And so it's important that we help our communities to realize that we need to give them permission to spend because you can't take it with you. Like the purpose of I don't believe the purpose of being on this earth is to die with a bunch of money in a bank account. To me, that's just hours I traded for time that just got waste. It wasn't intentional. Like why did I do that? Right? And I'm not saying I want to actually die with no dollars, right? But what I'm saying is like I think that there's a conversation there. And I think we could have a better conversation with a lot of people who are just on default autopilot, putting money in banks, putting money over here and not really thinking about it. And that's important. The other thing I want to leave you with is let's be objective for a second and take the annuity out of it. Okay? I went to my dad's retiring at the end of next year. Him and I are sitting down. My mom and my dad loved to travel. Nice trips every year, three, two, you know, two, three trips around the world. They love it, right? Well, he's going to retire. Okay? He's not going to make the same income. He's making running a large business. So I said, Dad, what are you going to do? Well, he's got all this equity in his house. And I said, Dad, we none of us are going to come live in your house when you guys are gone. Like you have this huge amount of equity. What are you doing with that? And he's like, you know, it's just my equity. I'm going to leave it to you guys, right? And I'm like, well, none of us are going to live. We're going to sell the house and split it three ways, right? That's not something that we're like counting on as your equity from your home. I said, but you and mom love to travel. There's a little bit of an age difference to my mom and my dad. I said, you got, you know, he's going to be turning 70 next year. I said, you got a, like, a few really, really good years, maybe 10, like, great years where you could travel with mom. I said, come on, we're in the business. Why don't you guys go buy a survivor's your life policy? Take out a $300,000 heck them on the house. Go take mom on three killer trips a year and still leave the kids the same money for pennies on the dollar. And he's like, oh my gosh, I never thought of it like that, right? So it goes to your point, Caleb, of having that death benefit gives you other options that you don't have. I love it, dude. I love it. Besides the link down below, is there any other way that people can get in touch with you? I have a channel and I just want to say thanks so much for all your support. We just hit a thousand subscribers. I'm really pumped about that. And it was, it was at your event two, three years ago where I stood up and they were like, give us a commitment. And I'm like, I'm going to be consistent on YouTube for the first time. And we're at a thousand subscribers, man. That's all credit to you, your team, my team. It's just been awesome to work with you guys. And, and we are very well versed in this. And our promise to everybody that wants to reach out is we're not trying to sell you anything like all come have a great conversation. I want to be the person that's injecting as much value into what you're doing as possible. And so if you want to have a conversation with me, my team, you want to run scenarios, we're happy to build you whatever you want. And there's no charge who we're honored to do it. Danny, the first first thousand subscribers is the hardest. And so wish you the wish you the absolute best and really proud of your consistency. I wouldn't have you on ongoing if I if I didn't like and trust you. And so I'm hoping if you're watching this and you're like, I want to learn more. Reach out to Danny and his team and Danny, thank you. And looking forward to having you back on and would love to do case studies and continue to be like the person that gives people different ways to think because my belief is more options is better than less options because we don't know what the future holds. And I could get we could go down the whole prep or route. There's recently I'm like, I'm talking to my wife about that what if this scenario happens, this scenario and at the end of the day, it comes down to more options is better than less. Regardless of what you think is the future, I want more options versus less. I think that's a really good mentality, just looking in the future. Make sure you're setting yourself up. They give you as many options as possible. And I'm excited to talk about more scenarios. And if you're watching this and have questions about like, Hey, I'm wondering about this, please leave a comment. I know Danny will read every single comment, I'll read every single comment under this video. And it also helps us come up with different content ideas. And so please do that over 50% of people that watch our channel do not subscribe to this channel. And so if you're one of those and you appreciate, if you've watched to the end, like please take a few minutes, subscribe, and maybe leave a comment sharing your biggest takeaway. It really encourages us and helps remind us why we do what we do. Yeah, and Caleb, if I can just do one last thing in here because I've had so much fun interacting with the better wealth community. And I'm part of the better wealth community, like, you know, and so, you know, before Buddy starts commenting, I want to just leave one thing. Please don't get married to the numbers, right? Like these are just examples that I kind of put together. It's not about the numbers, about the possibilities. Like there's things that are available to you that, you know, you may not have access to right now. And that's what gets fun is like, what's out there? What could we find that could do something really meaningful that could have a powerful result? And that's what we're after is helping people, you know, with where they're at. I love it.