How do you coalesce everything someone has done and boil it down to a singular message and build a path forward that is cohesive and tight? And then go impact the group of people around it? Like what is that journey like?
Brian Wish, welcome to the Better Wealth podcast. This episode is going to be unique because I'm a big fan of Brian. We are going to discuss his journey, how he connects with people, the why behind his brand, and how he helps others create powerful brands. The bar is set, my friend, welcome to the show.
"I'm curious and qualified to be here, so I appreciate you making quite the exception." - Brian Wish
We met through Rich Keller, who’s been on the show and is a dear friend. Our connection was immediate, sharing stories and discovering Brian’s love for human beings, intentionality, and care. His abundance of connecting people is like a ripple effect that's truly amazing.
From Passion to Living
Brian talks about combining passion and making a good living doing it. He's spent the last few decades figuring this out and feels he’s starting to reach that level where he’s doing what he always set out to do.
On the business side, Brian shares, "Our business, ARC Bound, is about mobilizing people around a shared message. We help experts stand out and drive their thought leadership online by building them a message and content, engaging communities, and more."
The Power of Connection
Brian is a super connector, someone who builds meaningful relationships and finds joy in connecting others. When discussing connections, he shares, "It's about understanding what people need and want to reach their dreams and putting them together to create something larger."
A Journey of Inner Reflection
Brian emphasizes personal story work, helping people reflect on their past, combine their professional experiences, and articulate a message that impacts their future goals. "It's difficult work that requires vulnerability and a guide. ARC Bound takes people on that journey," he says.
Encouragement and Closing Thoughts
For those wanting to be thought leaders, Brian suggests reflecting on your authentic story and engaging with knowledgeable guides to reach new levels. He also encourages everyone to truly connect with their audience, putting people before the message.
"The larger theme here is living a path for your life that is aligned so you can wake up and be done every day." - Brian Wish
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We hope this episode inspired you to start your journey toward being a thought leader. Reflect on your story, be authentic, and connect with others meaningfully.
Thank you for staying till the end. If you enjoyed our content, please like, share, and subscribe to help others discover our channel.
Legacy question: If this was your last day on earth, what conversation would you have with those you love the most?
Full Transcript
How do you coalesce everything someone has done and boil it down to a singular message and build a path forward that is cohesive and tight and then go impact the group of people around it? Like what is that journey like? And I think this goes back to even for me as a kid from you know divorce and things of growing up and being so intentional. I always wanted to figure out how could I combine passion, like true passion of what I did and make a good living doing it. And so I beat down that horse for the last you know tried 20 years has been on my mind to do it. I finally feel at 29 you know I'm starting to like reach that level of where I am doing what I always set out to do. Brian Wish, welcome to the Better Wolf podcast and by the way just I'm want to preface this for everyone listening. This is going to be a very unique episode because I'm a big fan of Brian. I'm hoping to bring awareness to your new launch as a company and there's so many other things. We're going to talk about your journey, how you connect with people, the why behind your brand and how you help other people create their powerful brands for people. So the bar is set my friend, welcome to the show. Wow, so but the intro live up to get given that's a better wealth podcast. I'm wealthy by no scratch you know I'm curious and qualified to be here so I appreciate you making quite the exception. Well I appreciate you visiting and staying staying with us when you were passing through and just appreciate who you are. I want to just take a step back and say we met through Rich Keller who's been on the show who's a dear friend of both of ours and shout out to Rich who I'm sure will be watching this because I'm going to send it to him and force him to listen to this. But we just like we met and I think it was like love at first sight it was like you had to meet me and my wife and we just shared kind of our stories and it became very apparent to us about your love for human beings, your intentionality and actually April after meeting you was just like told me like man I really like Brian and how good of a listener he is and how present he is and just how much you care and then you go on to connect me with some of the most interesting like amazing human beings out there and I'm not going to name drop due to this podcast but like some of the people that have been on the podcast some of the people that have written some of what I think are going to be all-time great books and you're just your ability to meet people and then the abundance of connecting them with others you're just like you just create like this ripple effect that is truly amazing and so when you told me that you guys were relaunching I want to do everything I can to share this with our audience and who knows there might be some people watching this and or listening this get really used your services but I think people would be really benefit to following who you are and your journey and so with that Brian let's take a step back and say like who are you what are you up to what are you working on the world and then let's let's talk about some of the things that are that are most that you most cherish in your life. Sure well first I should keep you around more you're really good for my self-esteem so thank you Caleb I I think let's start where I cherish we like cherish a lot maybe we'll start with some grateful and then we'll we'll peel back into perhaps who I am and what we're doing and what we're launching I'm thrilled to be here with you I mean look I think that dinner that we had p.s. I liked April a little more than I liked you but yeah both of you I don't blame you dude I don't blame you both of you were great I mean dude our relationship is really special there's very few people in there how old are you 26 27 who are in their mid 20s late 20s who like are so precise and intentional with the way they spend their time their money like you and just the way they live right I mean remember our car conversation when I came to visit you asked me about values like what 26 year old is asking another dude about their values and how they live right and so I'm just really a cherish like a relationship like this where I know I could come to you in a moment of despair and a moment like at the top of the mountain and you'd like be there to hold space for me any day so first I cherish that and you know I would cherish a good segue into where we're going cherish the last year I've been down it's been the most painful challenging year of my life but I've kind of come through a tunnel and I'm starting to see the light of day and realizing you know that this company that I've been able to build has so much more meaning and depth to it as I've been able to really I think find myself and also settle my past in a way that's given me so much clarity over let's just say my way forward in the world and I'm just excited for what's ahead so I mean where should where shall we begin let's let's begin with the business because I mean majority of businesses fail and you your business didn't fail and yet you leaned into some things that you alluded to some potential pain some reflection you really went outside your comfort zone and from that you rebirth a brand that I think is going to be even more incredible and just more powerful the brand for sure as it relates to where you're going so let's take you back like you know who where are you from what kind of business did you start what do you do and then why the rebrand and let's talk about that journey yeah I'm from Washington DC area I went down to school at the University of Georgia came back up for four years and then I've landed after a year on the road in San Francisco the business that you know just a little context to me I've always been so passionate about mobilizing people right connecting but around the shared message right so when you put the right people in the right room around something that has a unifying value or a voice right I think there's a lot of power in that so everything I've done since I graduated college has has reflected those kind of pieces or layers I've just been able to find perhaps a niche within those two areas in which I can I've been able to build and sustain a business out of right that business in simple terms we take experts people at the top of their space or close to the top of their space and who want to stand out and really drive their thought leadership online they have a point of view they usually come from a place of a personal challenge or pain we build them a message help them build a content a wheel community they're write their book do their podcast do all the pieces right that one day all the time and then actually to do but also like really want to do and know that's going to really impact their business in a meaningful way that business has been called BW missions the last three and a half years as of today or by the time this show goes live it'll be called ARC bound A R C B O U N D and the idea is where we're we're taking people's trajectories and their arcs and we're building them for them in a place where they want to go and where the team that's going to take them there and help them reach that destination so when it when it when you talk about ARC found is that are you alluding to like your story arc the the bridge the what you've overcome like talk about the reason and why the name because I think there's I think we could go like multiple layers just as I'm speaking I'm like man there's multiple things that you could use with this concept of arc cool I've never really spoken to this before yet so I mean look the idea of an arc right if you think about an arc it has a up and then down ideally our arcs only go up and to the right with maybe some like down spells but you know that that's like the stock market right right exactly so you know back to 1900 you know you've seen significant increase so you know this world well killed but you know for us right people come to us at a specific inception point and usually they see potential for a different way forward or they need people to kind of look back on their life and to gain clarity over what they've done I mean a lot of people who come to us have they've done a lot of different things successfully or they've had a bunch of different professional or personal chapters and it's like how do you call less everything someone has done and then boil it down to a singular message and then build a a path forward that is cohesive and tight and then go impact the group of people around it like what is that journey like and I think this goes back to even for me as a kid from you know divorce and things of growing up and being so intentional I always wanted to figure out how could I combine passion like true passion of what I did and make a good living doing it and so I beat down that horse for the last you know tried 20 years has been on my mind to do it I finally feel at 29 you know I'm starting to like reach that level of where I am doing what I always set out to do and so as I'm crafting a meaningful way forward for myself on my terms with the message tell people find their way and path or arc right or we built the infrastructure underneath that that enables people to do so I love it man and and my next question is for those people that are like raising their hands saying like I resonate with that I want to be a thought leader obviously they can work with you which would be amazing what is your process from a standpoint of like if if like your proprietary process from a standpoint of taking someone that like wants to be a thought leader and actually making them a thought leader is there questions that you ask is it a like what can they do right now if they want to go to the next level or create that arc or begin that mission which I really like bw missions too like that's probably your first name and your last name mission which makes a lot of sense because this is your mission on earth but I think the the new name is is more evergreen and is gonna it has a little more legs does my question make sense from a standpoint of like some questions or some things that people can do to help them with that on their path yeah absolutely I mean look I think this goes to some of the journey that I've been on over the last year a lot of the last year for me has been really digging up my past in a very intentional and intense way and that came through a trigger moment came through a breakup right but it was in an earth the crack which unearthed a lot more cracks I had never gone into and through that right I was able to see why I've been doing all the things I've been doing right so I'm going to bring this around but I want to kind of make it personal to have it make sense so I had to really kind of get clarity over all these pieces of my life right my pains how I grew up childhood took conscious drivers my behaviors all these pieces right just and it steered me on such this rigid road right so I was like trying to find my path all along right and I had this clear destination that was being held back by like all this baggage that was weighing me down and through the last year I've had to kind of rip it off layer by layer and thanks to our friend Rich right he's been a guy who's peeled the peeled the living hell out of me it's like the watershed broke and all the tears came out but long story short right I think I had to get very clear and settle who I was right so that I could chart my way forward now in my terms so when the client comes to us ironically enough is I've been doing a lot of reflecting one of my bigger insights over the last year is the fact that we've been doing this all along for clients right right when they come to us there's an intense work in the beginning we digging up their past their personal story who they are and bringing semblance to it a clarity of message helping them articulate a point of view something that they care about our mission and vision they want to bring into the world and a statement right based on everything that they have gone through so imagine 10 20 years of work experience life experience you're going to boil it down to something then to go build a future around right it's really hard to do it's really hard to do without a guide just as rick was a guide for me on my personal journey arcbound is that company for others to guide them on their journey but also do the work execute operationalize so once we have a clear point of view a message right that's when the fun kind of gets started right we can we can build the website we can start deploying consistent out leadership into the social ecosystems build email we can we know how to engage and mobilize the community yes part of it is making introductions like you know you and I do for each other but the other part is like actively building and growing a community online in a very intentional fashion learning how to find the right relationships will be clients PR all the different pieces right that like build momentum for a business and then we're building the product arm right so once you have a message how do you get someone with the message so some of the biggest stages in the world right that's where we're going next so right now we're writing their books we're building a publishing arm we're going to put people on stages right so Kayla we'll get you New York Stock Exchange one day just give me a few years so you know it's it's a process until we've tried to think through every piece of the stock leadership journey but under the context of what does this brand mean it's not just about publishing a book yeah it's not just a speaking event it's it's the whole intentional picture and I think you understand that because you're so thoughtful in everything you do well it's it's interesting there's a lot of people that think they're just like I just need to write a book I just need to write a book about the same topic that everyone's writing a book on you know like or like I just they like they don't want to be authentic the word authentic authenticity comes to my mind of the people that really want to break through the noise but there's like there's experts that are like they have their industry jargon that they have down but what what I see so valuable is if you can help them go back into their story and talk about like okay why are they passionate about this are they relatable are they an authority to this or can they create a movement of people that say I want to follow this because of what you stand for not just what you know and then the the knowledge ultimately stokes the fire to create that brand and then on top of that there's so many blind spots that we have and you need to work with someone whether you work with Brian or you work with someone else in your network that can really help you um not not get into those blind spots and really push you to maybe get a little bit uncomfortable because that is that is needed if you're going to be a thought leader and go to the next level right I mean it's totally and this work is vulnerable right this is your um we get to know our clients very intimately this isn't a you know there goes a gas station I put my credit card in and I leave type of transaction right this is a long sales process it's a long process of work most clients are with us at least 18 months right we're getting to know clients in a very intimate way they're families or pains or struggles so you build emotional connection and then you bring their dreams to life I mean what more rewarding of a business guy be building you know um and again it's taking the help of an incredible team uh it's has not been all in me I just want to make that super clear but the vision has been similar from day one um and yeah I appreciate the opportunity to share it yeah no I I uh just just want to encourage people one of the one of the most um I would say life giving and and raw and authentic moments that I've had in my life is when I was at a workshop and we started looking back at our past and talking about stories talking about the most embarrassing moment talking about the lessons that we've learned through some of our pain and and now I incorporate that in some of my talks not to not as a quote unquote tactic but as a way to really connect um because a great speaker puts the speech before the people great communicator puts the people before the speech and and I think if there's one thing that I'm hoping that more thought leaders continue to rise up and do is put the people that they want to impact before their quote unquote message and really uh don't just share their story just because they want to share it and check the box but try to be as authentic as possible and I really believe that people will match your level of authenticity and that there might be someone that needs to hear that doesn't see themselves as a thought leader but if you want to be a good communicator and connect with other people just really do an audit on are you putting yourself out there are you hedging and if you are hedging why yeah I love what you said about putting people before the speech right because now now you're saying it's not just about your point of view and what you want to say but I was going to go back to the people around you right and I think it takes some marriage of both um and I think you do that well I mean I see the content you put out here sharing some good stuff and it's about the people that want you know some financial know-how I'm not giving it that merit to what you actually do and say but I couldn't agree more. Brian when I think of you I think of a super connector and a super connector obviously has great relationships but but ultimately loves connecting other people and like finds joy in that but then ultimately creates massive value and it's very leveraged value. What is what is the secret of connecting with people like what is the what is the secret behind you building so many amazing relationships and was there something that clicked in your head that you're like hey I just want to be someone that connects others or was it just something that you came out of the loom doing? Yeah so it's interesting I don't think of myself as a connector. I think connecting people is a component of creating an arc for your life that you want because if you like really look at the deeper meaning of it and we can get off the tangential in a second but when you really look at life right and like where you want to go right what does it take I mean I'm asking you like let's say you want to like give me your goals where you want to be. Yeah we did this last time they're big but we're our goal with Better Wealth is to be the one one-stop shop for every financial decision so all of my mindset goes to what can we do to someday be the one-stop shop for every financial decision someone wants to make. Right and that through that process of having a very clear articulation of your vision right you need to have a I think a great self-reflection practice to like really analyze where you are against your goals and where you want to go right a lot of discovery within that like intentional reflection that need people right because without the combination of those two how the hell are you I mean heck are you going to get to where you truly want to go so the reason I like connecting with people isn't just because I like connecting with people it's because I believe that the world's a better place when people are aligned and living on a path that like is meaningful to them and it's going to take the right people to do that so that I understand you know when I'm connecting individuals I'm always trying to think of mutual value right it's not just about helping that one person how does it help both people yes one plus one equals three or five or ten right down the road and I think that adds up over time and it's selfless and it's it's going to be strategic and it can be intentional but at the same time like it's always one of the other two people and I think I'm always approaching it from a perspective of how will these two people's time together create something bigger and larger to help both people reach their dreams connecting is a component but those people also need to have the self-awareness and the critical understanding of who they are and where they want to go to meet the right people so that they can live so that's kind of a deeper way of looking at it it's not just about connecting people right do you have it do you believe that this can be learned or if there's someone listening to this like what would you encourage them to do and how to be a better connector because I do hear you like you're connecting two people they're increasing their value but then you're also perceived as because because my relationship with so and so is tied back to you and so I'm grateful for my relationship with this person and it was only made possible because you made that intro yeah so let me tell you a story um and I think this is like a great it's actually a fun story for this black guy so someone who I introduced you to who I'm not going to say um just for the privacy of this conversation he's trying to buy up a lot of companies right now okay he's in M&A he's making a big splash and you know he told me you know kind of what he's looking for the revenue perspective all the different pieces it's also on our board of advisors he helps us out a lot with our financial parts of our business then so I like I have an understanding I have a body of knowledge of someone what they're looking for what's important to them and it's just always important to understand because you can send them content you can send them resources that may be helpful and also do it in a such a like thoughtful way that doesn't feel like transactional right so you build a base of knowledge on one person so when you meet people in just the world you have these kind of contextual clues about people so for instance I was in Portland on this trek I walked out of my room one night I saw this guy and his wife this guy I won't say either um just we kind of hit it off he's like what are you doing here why are you on this personal journey blah blah blah he's like let's get lunch so after a couple of lunches you know he's kind of like this older kind of sage you know telling me all these stories he's told me hey I'm trying to sell my business and he goes I want to spend more time with my son and here's kind of what my business does blah blah blah blah it's like oh that reminds me of what I presented the first time I put them together the deal assigned by the business that's insane for a very large amount of money and it wasn't I had no agreement this guy gonna buy you lunch for the rest of your life like every any time you're around both of them both of them can and I'll take I'll take I'll accept it but again there's no agreement on either side it was just like in my mind yeah x needs y y needs to put them together maybe there's something there and like wallah the best the best case scenario happened and so when you ask if there's a process it's it's understanding what people need and want to get to where they want to go and putting them together or taking it maybe more kind of put it yourself in the mirror and say where do I need to go because I think that sometimes people the last thing they think about is themselves right in this situation so like where are you trying to go who are the people who can help you get there right the only way you know where you're trying to go is by kind of saying okay what's happened what's ahead and it creates I think what you do so well the ability to be so intentional right and strike up relationships and see what opportunities you can create so again it's very strategic and intentional but it's also very fluid and organic at the same time yeah I love it man anything else that is on your heart in your mind as it relates to the the rebrand just what what you're up to and and how you can encourage people that are watching and listening to this podcast yeah um you know I look at what the work we're doing and the you know someone once said to me is like what what's the societal change of of what you're creating and I thought those are really good question and it's really hard to like measure metrics around because we we can't quantify behavior change and decision making through the work we're doing I mean we could maybe but I don't think we can do it justice I I hope we're a company that's representing thousands and thousands of messages one day right that are positive on the world and have the distribution to get those out to influence behavior I think if we do our job well right where we're ultimately raised where we're creating positive behavior changes and positive actions globally that are I think making humanity a better place right before controlling the distribution of messages of people and what goes out to the world I think it's a very powerful position to be in through the lens of individuals and then helping all those thousands of people of a path more meaningful to them right it's a it's a beautiful harmony that starts with self you can impact a community and let those clients people impact the people in their network and it's to me it creates this incredible effect so you know I hope you and I are overlooking a fire and a mountain in that beautiful house of yours and maybe an upgraded house because I know you you're only going to go up from here but you know maybe we're overlooking the ski chalet and like the Swiss Alps and like you know where we look back and it's we've done something incredibly meaningful both of us so suction tensionality that's money is just a byproduct of the hard work we put in so I think I think both of our businesses are highly leveraged because you're helping thought leaders and people that can make a difference make a bigger difference and what what I hope that better wealth is doing is helping people be more intentional and take back control of their wealth so that they can do whatever they feel called to and live intent the intentional life and so um overall man I I love it love love what you stand for and again a majority of people that come on this podcast are talking about money and strategies and I just feel very strongly about what you're up to in the world and want to do anything I can to help and serve and so I would I would encourage people regardless of if you think you're a thought leader not definitely check out you know our art bound and I'm sure you'll give us the contact info and where to go to support your your mission but then even if you're not at the place where you can you're you're at the place where you can work with Brian like really be thoughtful about what your arc is and how you can be more authentic and maybe what is what are some of those stories in your past that can that there may be pain there may be joy there may be some other lessons and how can you use those stories as a as a way to have an impact on your family your friend group your your you might be a thought leader and you don't even know it and so with that Brian what where can people find out more and and what's kind of the call to action yeah absolutely and I think you just one more thing you hit on a bigger concept it's it's it's not just for the people who can pay the work with us right it's a bigger concept of like living in a line way that's extremely congruent and I think that's the largest the larger message here right and all all of what I'm saying and I think there's ways to scale that to the masses it's kind of how Tesla has done anyways um so anyways I appreciate you reflecting that because it's not just about who's paying us I think it's about the larger theme of creating an arc in your life a path for your life that is so aligned that you can live and be done every day and it doesn't mean it's easier right it's just I think you're happier when you go to bed at night um I think don't I mean I might be wrong I think it's arcbound.com um this site's not live yet so um arcbound.com arcbound um please subscribe uh to we're we're gonna bring back the newsletter we had in a more elevated way um it's a podcast called the one-way show um we do put a lot of content that tries to create value similar to you Caleb so um thanks for the opportunity to uh being your world I love it we will you'll get me the for sure uh website we'll put it down below for sure website I'm just okay okay cool um arcbound.com yes and you have a newsletter that is as a must to subscribe to and then obviously there's um people can find out more about what you guys are doing in the world and yeah man I appreciate the work that you're doing and uh I look forward to look forward to having that uh sip of something over overlooking some mountains in who knows what future but uh I look forward to that and it's fun to do the journey with you and um I just look forward to all the amazing conversations uh that we will we'll be having and the people that what I'll be having with the people that you connect me with and just the beautiful ripple effect that that will have um I end the show with what I call a legacy question and this will be very interesting for you to answer but if this was your last day on earth and you're with the people that you love the most you can give them a podcast a book you couldn't give them anything but a conversation what conversation would that be? Oh man you're throwing me you're mixing it up here well first I'd set the table with and all you can eat buffet or sushi okay um maybe some steaks like we cooked at your house okay um um I mean look I I think the conversation we can just stay on brand with it I mean I find myself often in conversations that go six layers below the surface because I I don't have the patience to talk about reality TV and topics that just I feel like a waste of time like I think it would be a conversation around like what people are doing to live authentic to who they are right I think those have been the values of the the constructs of all of our conversations right so I think that'd be the most pure answer and you know the most meaningful answer and I also realize it's a privilege it's a true privilege to be able to wake up every day and beat down that path but I also know you know if you work hard enough you can you can find it. Cool Ryan thank you congrats and look forward to seeing the impact that you're gonna have. Hey I want to thank you for watching till the end if you enjoy our content please like share subscribe it helps other people find our channel and we really really appreciate it. I also want to let you know that we have this thing called the Better Wealth Efficiency Quiz and our goal is to give you a wealth efficiency score in less than three minutes and really highlight and get you to start thinking about the potential inefficiencies that you have in your life so if you haven't taken the quiz go check out it'll be the link below check that link out take the quiz and then let us know your score. |