
How To Leverage Value To Grow Your Business

Written by Caleb Guilliams | Jan 14, 2025 12:38:08 AM

In this post, I'm going to be talking about the number one framework that I believe every successful entrepreneur and influencer has, whether they realize it or not. This framework can help you be more intentional with your time, resources, energy, and the people you spend time with.

This framework is called value leveraging. I'm obsessed with value creation, leverage, and amplifying that value in the world. If I had to simplify this framework, it would be about creating value and amplifying it to maximize impact.

Understanding Value

Let's break it down a bit further. When we talk about value, how do we know something is valuable? Not every service or product is created equal. For example, a heart surgeon is likely to earn more than a janitor, not because one is better than the other as a person, but because the demand for heart surgery is higher. Higher demand correlates with higher willingness to pay a premium.

Value can typically be categorized into two areas: services and products. Whether you're providing a service or selling a product, you need to ask yourself, "Are these truly valuable? Is there demand for what I'm offering?" And whatever you create, make it the best it can be.

The Role of Leverage

Leverage amplifies your value and output. Many people might need to focus solely on value creation, while others can move onto leveraging what they have. Here's where the concept of leverage becomes crucial.

Leverage can be monetary, but it's not limited to just financial means. Consider these other forms:

  1. People: Hiring employees or contractors can amplify your output.
  2. Media: Utilizing video, audio, and writing to reach a larger audience.
  3. Platforms: Leveraging social media or other platforms to broadcast your message widely.
  4. Code: Creating software or digital tools can exponentially increase your reach without extra human effort.
  5. Charisma: Charisma can attract and influence people, enhancing the impact of your offerings.


Your goal is to amplify the value you create and be a good steward of your time and resources. Before you invest time or money, ask yourself: What value does this create? And what levers can I pull to enhance that value?

While this is a concept I'm continuously exploring and writing about, I'm eager to share it with you as it can radically transform how you approach your business and personal endeavors.

Please consider sharing this framework with someone who might benefit from understanding how values and leverage can be effectively applied. Thank you for watching, listening, and considering this framework. Our purpose is to help you live more intentionally.