In this post, I'm going to be talking about the number one framework that I believe every successful entrepreneur and influencer has, whether they realize it or not. This framework can help you be more intentional with your time, resources, energy, and the people you spend time with.
This framework is called value leveraging. I'm obsessed with value creation, leverage, and amplifying that value in the world. If I had to simplify this framework, it would be about creating value and amplifying it to maximize impact.
Understanding Value
Let's break it down a bit further. When we talk about value, how do we know something is valuable? Not every service or product is created equal. For example, a heart surgeon is likely to earn more than a janitor, not because one is better than the other as a person, but because the demand for heart surgery is higher. Higher demand correlates with higher willingness to pay a premium.
Value can typically be categorized into two areas: services and products. Whether you're providing a service or selling a product, you need to ask yourself, "Are these truly valuable? Is there demand for what I'm offering?" And whatever you create, make it the best it can be.
The Role of Leverage
Leverage amplifies your value and output. Many people might need to focus solely on value creation, while others can move onto leveraging what they have. Here's where the concept of leverage becomes crucial.
Leverage can be monetary, but it's not limited to just financial means. Consider these other forms:
- People: Hiring employees or contractors can amplify your output.
- Media: Utilizing video, audio, and writing to reach a larger audience.
- Platforms: Leveraging social media or other platforms to broadcast your message widely.
- Code: Creating software or digital tools can exponentially increase your reach without extra human effort.
- Charisma: Charisma can attract and influence people, enhancing the impact of your offerings.
Your goal is to amplify the value you create and be a good steward of your time and resources. Before you invest time or money, ask yourself: What value does this create? And what levers can I pull to enhance that value?
While this is a concept I'm continuously exploring and writing about, I'm eager to share it with you as it can radically transform how you approach your business and personal endeavors.
Please consider sharing this framework with someone who might benefit from understanding how values and leverage can be effectively applied. Thank you for watching, listening, and considering this framework. Our purpose is to help you live more intentionally.
Full Transcript
In this video, I'm going to be talking about the number one framework that I believe every successful entrepreneur and influencer has as it relates to them consciously or unconsciously doing in the marketplace. And hopefully you'll have a framework at the end of this to be more intentional in the time resources, energy people that you spend time with and really be able to use this framework. So this framework is called value leveraging. I'm obsessed with value creation. I'm also obsessed with leverage and this concept of amplifying that value. And it's interesting because if I had to simplify this framework and make it incredibly short, it would be create value in the world and amplify that value. And the person that's able to create value and maximize that value when in the end. Now, a lot of times we have to break this down a little bit to make it maybe a little bit cleaner. And so when I say value, how do we know something is valuable? That's a good question. It's like, I might think I'm valuable and I'm not necessarily saying the value of your life. I'm just saying like the value of like not every service or product is created equal. For instance, a heart surgeon might make more than a janitor. It doesn't make the janitor a less than person, but it means that for every hour that these people are working, the heart surgeon at the time of this recording is going to get paid a lot more because the demand is greater. So for the greater demand, I'm willing to pay a premium. And the same thing with products. You look at why some products go for a premium versus others. It may be quality or it might just be the perceived demand is greater. And so it is something interesting because value can really be broken into two areas, a service or a product. Technically, this video is a service, I would think, or maybe it's a product. I guess I don't know that. But to make it simple, it's like a lot. There's a lot of service business where you get paid by providing a service. And then there's other products out there that you go on Amazon or you consume that product. And at the end of the day, those are the two outputs that can be created in our lives. We can either create a service or we can create a product and not all products or services are created equal. So I think step number one is, is make sure that you're doing an audit of your life where you're what outputs that you're creating and asking the question, are they valuable? Am I creating value? Is there a demand? And then asking the question, what can I do to create more value? I love, I was going to say I love Warren Buffett. I love Elon Musk and he has like this, this like mini rant that he has from his talk. And he essentially says, make your products better, make your services better. Like majority of people are focused on the wrong things in corporate America. Just make your product or service better. And I resonate with that. And I guess I want to pass that along to you. If you're maybe not getting the demand or maybe not getting the attention of people, instead of saying like, man, what do I need to do to get in front of them? Reflect and say, are my services and products the best that they could be? And in the words of Elon Musk, they're probably not. And so focus on that first. And so that's the first thing. And the reason I'm so strong about that is especially my age group, I see a lot of people out there wanting to go leverage things and maximize and become famous and all this stuff. But at the end of the day, if they reflect in what would happen if they poured gasoline on the fire at this time, it might not be a pretty site. And that's why so many people that get famous, that may make money, that when the lottery become broke, because they have all that money coming in, but there's not a solid foundation for that. All right, so we talked about value and value is the summary of producing a service or a product. How do we know that that service or product is valuable? There's a demand. And one of the best exercises that we can do is look within and say, are these things actually valuable? And what are things that I can do to make them a greater value? The second thing that I want to transfer over to in this value leveraging framework is leverage. And I say leverage with maybe a little bit of an asterisk, because again, leverage amplifies your value, amplifies your output. And so there's many people that need to spend their whole time. Don't watch this video, just pause it and work on the value creation, because the last thing you want to do is try to pour gasoline on something that's not valuable. But we're going to assume that you what you have is valuable. And I'll be very frank. There's a lot of people I know that are especially, especially like in their 40s, 50s, 60s that have spent a lot of their life. They're very smart. Their services, their products that they create are very, very valuable, but they're not utilizing leverage and they're not thinking, how can I live a leverage life? How can I amplify this value that I'm creating for the marketplace? I want to give a credit and a shout out to Naval. I'm a big fan of his book. I'm a big fan of his podcast. I'm a big fan of his tweets. And he just has helped me understand this concept of leverage in a way that has been really powerful and impactful. And I just really bottom my heart want to thank you. And I also want to give you credit. So value leveraging number one, be valuable number two, amplify that value to the marketplace. And when we think of levers, we think of maybe doing something little, little bit of energy, a little bit of effort and a maximum result. You might think of like going and getting other people's money that you can take a house that's a good deal. And now it's a great deal because of leverage. And a lot of times when we think of leverage, we think of just the monetary leverage behind just getting a loan or taking someone else's money and paying them a few percent interest and then making a massive rate to return. And people in option trading can make hundreds of percents of money based on leverage. And while leveraging money is a form of leverage, it's just one form. And there's a couple of other things that I want to maybe get you to think about. We think about leverage, we have to think about the cost and the risk of those levers. And then we also have to measure it with the output or result that we're hoping to get. And so when I say the word people, what comes to your mind? I think you can leverage people. And I don't mean that in a horrible way. I'm just saying like you can leverage a partnership. You can leverage employment. You can leverage a 1099 contractor. You can pay someone X. So let's say I'm paying someone $20 an hour. And for that hour input that that person's getting there, they're allowing us to create $100 because of the work that they're doing. And that's an example of paying someone $20 that is hopefully valuable to them. But they're helping us get $100. That's a form of leverage. Another form of leverage is media. And when I when I say media, I talk about like speaking video audio. The reason why I'm obsessed with with video and why one of my biggest regrets in life is not shooting more videos early on is me speaking into this camera. Right now I'm speaking to nobody. But I know that there are going to be real live human beings that watch this video and my hope is that it creates an impact. That's insane when you think about it. It's insane to think that there are going to be more than one person to watch this video, and that this video is going to have an impact because I'm only showing up once. I have a message. The message may be great. It might not be. But the message is has energy and and this video creates a media platform that allows it to touch more than one person that in itself is insane. And so what are other areas in audio and video in writing that you can do to go one to many platform platform is is the publishing house it could be Facebook it could be it could be Tumblr it could be any any platform that that you want. It's like it's allowing you to do an input right video audio and for it to go out to to more than one person and it allows you as a as a consumer as someone that's watching or listening to be able to listen on that platform so platforms create a ton of leverage. Code code is one of those concepts that I don't fully understand but the thought of you being able to on a computer. Write some code that can create things that can ultimately do you know ai or help people multiple times without a human being is insane because that input you're putting in the time to create that calculator or that you know software and the output is able to serve so many people without human intervention that is massive leverage and think about all the top companies out there all the most valuable companies to date. They have some type of code that's at the foundation of their value proposition and that should make sense and then finally and this is this is maybe a little bit of a stretch is charisma. I think charisma is a function of a couple things but I think it's a function of credibility it's a function of like oh they're competent and it's also a function of charisma of like ability and I believe if you're charismatic if you have more charisma that is a form of leverage you are able to attract more people than someone that's not charismatic doesn't mean that it makes you a lesser human being I just believe cares charisma is a leverage point and can take that same service or product and amplify that if you're able to leverage charisma well and so what is the purpose of this video is you have money you have time you have other things in your life and at the end of the day you want to amplify it you want to be a good steward of it you want to make good choices and the value leveraging framework is a really good way to just think before you spend time before you invest money and before you do an action to say number one what what value is this input creating so I'm putting money into this thing what value is going to come out of that because ultimately the my money and and future appreciation is going to be tied up. In that value and so so again what values that can be created and then once that's in and this is main this is a lot for for investors or or business owners is once you're doing that thing it's like you have that real estate property you have that investment you're inventing that product you're doing that service. What what what levers can you pull that can enhance that result that output and we just we just went through it could be people it could be capital it could be media it could be platforms it could be code it could be charisma but those levers aren't necessarily making or breaking the value but it's amplifying and allowing it to go more one to many and it and it by default will just create a massive results and help you make sure that you have a framework into doing what you set out to do and so again. This is a concept that I'm fleshing out it's a concept that I'm doing a lot of writing on it's a concept that I have a full talk at our wealth key workshop. And so there's obviously a lot more there's a lot more things that go into this but I wanted to share this with the public just to just go public with this concept that I've been having on my mind for the last couple of years and something that I want to be more intentional with and something that I want to double down as as we help more people live more intentionally so again please consider sharing this video to some of you. And so I want to thank someone that needs to hear this message that would value the value leveraging framework and process and how they think about their time and money and from the bottom of my heart I just want to say thank you so much for watching for listening for taking time out of your day to like and share and and comment. It means the world and our purpose in making these videos is to help you live more intentionally. And so again from the bottom of my heart I want to say thank you and I hope you have an intentional rest of your day.