Hey guys, I wanted to give a little bit of context on this next clip that you're about to see. I had the opportunity and honor to speak at NAIFA's annual event. I got to keynote at this event. NAIFA is the number one association for financial advisors and life insurance agents, and they just do so much for the industry on both the state and national level. Speaking in front of legends I admired was truly an honor.
The presentation focused on the concept of value leveraging, which is about creating and amplifying value in any field; be it business, academia, or other sectors. By mastering this, you can unlock new opportunities, achieve financial gains, and live more intentionally. I also shared various tactics, personal vulnerabilities, and issued challenges for the industry to rise to the occasion.
Your engagement with this talk is invaluable to me. I love hearing from people who reach out, and I appreciate comments and feedback. This community has helped me immensely.
Flashback to when I was 13. Despite being the oldest of six kids, I was quite small, and had insecurities around my reading abilities. These insecurities collided at a school play, leading me to forget my lines on stage.
The next day, in tears, my mom gave me advice I'd never forget: "Caleb, the things you can't control don't worry about. But the things you can control, you have a moral obligation to go all in."
My subsequent job was at a chicken farm, and it taught me about money. I read two transformative books: The Richest Man in Babylon and Good to Great, which fueled my desire to enter the business world.
From the bottom of my heart, speaking at NAIFA's event was a true honor, and I hope you enjoy the lessons shared here.